Subject: how to repel ego maniacs...

You know the type right Friend?

"Look at me. Look how important I am. Look how much success I've created. Look at how much money I've made."

Give me a break!

I've run into people like this over the years.

"Paul, I can bring thousands of people into your company."

"I can do this, I can do that."

For anyone who's created success, I say congratz, I'm happy for you.

But what are you doing now, to help people?

IMO that's WAY more important than what you've done in the past.

But ego driven people are not focused on that.

They're focused on themselves.

They seem to be screaming - LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME!!!

This type of person is exhausting to be around if they don't change.

And we've figured out a way to repel those types of people so we can build a business that's not just profitible, but also FEELS good to be in.


First, don't cater to their ridiculous requests.

Example: 'Hey guys, I'm such a big wig that I don't pay for products. Give them to me for free and I'll promote your company.'

Yeah, no thanks.

If you're such a big wig, then you are the last person on the planet that needs a 'special deal.'

We don't do special deals.

And that's an easy way to repel ego driven people that can make life miserable for you and your community.


Build a culture that ego driven people don't like.

Focus more on service and value than the money.

Focus more on making a difference than making people famous.

Build a culture where EVERYONE matters and has equal importance to the community vs. lifting certain people up like they're some kind of God.

Ego driven people hate this kind of stuff.

This is some of what we've been doing in our community for the last 8 years and it's worked out amazingly well, and is one of the reasons I love being in, and serving with the people in our community.

Anyway, hope this helps you for whatever it is you're building and all these thoughts were triggered by something Mike said on our Business Overview this morning.

You can watch it here if you want.
