Subject: how to be an answer to prayer...

Hey Friend,

I was talking to a new team member today on the phone and he told me...

'My wife and I had just finished praying about what we should do next in our business journey - and for our future.'

Almost immediately after the prayer, I saw the message you sent me on Facebook asking me if I was open to looking at what you were doing.

I've been beat around so much over the years.

I've been a founder of companies, master distributor - all kinds of top leader status, and I've gotten ripped off, lied to and disappointed again and again.

When I saw your message and watched your video, I immediately saw it as an answer to prayer and joined.'

His wife was on the phone and I got to meet her too.

So how was I an answer to prayer in his life?

How can you be an answer to other peoples prayers?

Same answer to both questions.

Do the work.

Show up.

Send the invitations.

And keep doing it, and doing it and doing it.

Through the setbacks.

Through the disappointments.

Through the hard times.

Like the sun, you keep showing up every day and shining your light.

Pretty simple to do.

Sometimes not easy.

But definitely simple

Hope this message catches you at the right time and in the right way.

You have greatness within and a world of positive difference to make for yourself and others.

All the best,


PS - If you're open to taking a look at something very special - and are a positive, passionate, persistent, principle centered person who loves to give and grow and serve - while leveraging the power of the internet to create more freedom and goodness in the world - you just might be a fit for what we're doing.

Click here - put in your contact info and watch the video see.