Subject: how most internet marketers are doing it wrong... (and how I'm doing it right)

Happy Saturday Friend,

I got a phone call from an awesome guy named John yesterday and had a great chat with him.

He told me he loves what we're doing in my company, and wants to get started, but he had one slight concern.

What happens if he gets stuck in the setup process, (or at any other place beyond for that matter).

I did my best to explain how differently I and we do things, and realized (John having had a lifetime in sales) that a lot of times, sales people will say whatever they need to say to 'resolve the concern' and unfortunately, sometimes that means they say things that aren't true.

Strangely enough, after I hung up the phone with John, I had 2 team members call me, needing help, with some of the exact things John may need help with and I helped them in the way that I told John I would help him if he decides to get started with me.

I made this video this morning to tell the story.

Most internet marketers, and especially 'gooo roos' are too busy being 'goo roos' to help people.

I realized this is one way to build a business and make a lot of money.

It's just not the way I choose.

I choose my way because I'm selfish I guess. I want more than money. I want the satisfaction of actually having made a difference in someone's life, in whatever way they needed me to make that difference.

I call this 'soul pay'.

Napoleon Hill once wrote 'If money is all you have in your paycheck at the end of the week, you have been grossly under paid.'

And aside from that, I want to build a business long term. One that lasts, and maybe even grows so big that it staggers my imagination.

I have a sneaking suspicion that in order for this to happen, there's this little thing called 'relationships' that just might play an important role in causing this to happen.

When I take the time to help someone, I'm not just helping them, I'm helping me, get my spirit paid, AND build a relationship that can turn into a lifelong customer or team member... (Anyone else in this for long term freedom or is it just me?)

One of my team members who got started this week is a dear friend name Mahara.

I met Mahara in 2011 when she came through one of my lead capture pages.

How is it possible that Mahara called me over 10 years later and joined my business?

It's because in 2011, when I saw her name and phone number in my email inbox, I picked up the phone, called her and developed a relationship with her.

We've been besties (or as I like to call her - my soul sistah) ever since.

So Friend, if you do decide to watch today's video, you may see how I'm doing it differently, and how that could be the right way, when all the other internet marketers are doing it the other way. :-)

Oh, I also share, at the end of the video, my favorite YouTube comment from this last week from Hyacinth Vanderpool. The video is worth watching to the end even if you get nothing out of it than the quote she shared with me.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a GREAT weekend.

