Subject: how I retired young & free at 40 (live tomorrow)

Hey Friend,

I'm hosting a free live zoom freedom party tomorrow morning. Plan to share a few tips on how was able to retire young and free at 40 and introduce you to a place, space, system and community that can be a huge gift to you on your journey to freedom, and beyond.

I'm not much of a 'gloom and doom' or 'fear of loss' type guy these days but the truth is, I DO think we are about to face what could be unprecenteded econmonic ruin throughout the working world, thanks to A.I.

Not all is lost, however, and of course - there's always hope, especally for those those who can see just a little, into the future and take necessary steps to prepare for the massive shifts that are coming.

I was listening to a podcast episode today, hosted by former presidential candidate Andrew Yang (who's been sounding the job destruction A.I. alarm bell for some time now) and in the podcast, there was one type of work they said was "A.I. Proof."

Thankfully, the business model we've been building for the last 6 years, has this 'type of work' down better than anything I've been a part of in my entire life - and that's nothing but the truth.

Anyway, I may share a bit more on this tomorrow, in addition to my tips on 'retiring young and free.' There is no purchase required or expected (unless you feel inside a FULL BODY YES to the business overview portion of the presentation)... and as always, my intention is to make this presentation as valuable as possible, even if the business part of what we do isn't a fantastic, harmonious fit for you

This event is perfect for positive, passionate, motivated individuals who,

  • Are sick of the rat race & corporate job nonsense

  • Excited about all the positive aspects of building a business from home and growing residual income, but turned off by much of what they’ve seen or experienced in the bizopp space

  •  Have a great work ethic

  •  Are humble, coachable and decisive

  •  And last, but certainly not least, are looking for more out of business than just “business.” (People who feel like they have a greater calling and purpose in life, and see business as a way to bring this out and manifest it into the world.

If any of these things sound like they’re describing you, then I'd love to invite you to use this link tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM EST. (I'd show up a few minutes early, if I were you because we like to get the vibe high with some great music and 'hellos' before we get started).

Thanks for reading, hope to see you there and love you big time!


PS - Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.