Subject: how 2 get checky with no techie... (3 sales so far...)

Happy Monday Friend!

Hope you had an awesome weekend.

One of the things I hear people say, from time to time, is... "I'm not techie. How can I succeed with a home business if I'm not good with computers?"

Last month I decided to do a test.

Could I make sales, with a simple strategy that anyone could follow, without...

  • Emailing my list

  • Setting up capture pages or funnels

  • Connecting domain names

  • buying leads

  • etc.


I came up with a very simple copy/paste strategy where every day I would copy and paste this little doozy of a script for about 30 minutes or so.

The Result:

25 new leads, 3 new customer enrollments, over $400 in up front commissions and over $200 per month in new residuals.

I made a little training to show you exactly how I did it and I'm calling it...

How To Get Checky With No Techie: A Simple Way To Sponsor & Recruit

You can click the image above or this link here, to watch the free training now.

If you do decide to watch this video you’ll also learn… 

  • Some Secrets To Delivering A Message That Gets Response 

  • My favorite money closing line of all time

  • How to put your prospects at ease so they can even more comfortably fill out the form and get started with you in business.

Hope you find it valuable to your sales and marketing journey.

All the best,

Paul Hutchings

PS: Shout out to my friend Booker Williams who gave the idea for the video title above. I heard him say on one of our Grow Rich Masterminds a week or so ago...

"Too Techie, No Checkie". < - I love that line and think there's a lot of truth to it.

PPS: I've recently been creating some songs and publishing them to Spotify and Apple Music. I'm calling them "Personal Development BANGERS By Paul Hutchings" because they're songs I created to reinforce ideas of health, wealth & wisdom in myself, and contain some high vibe lyrics and words.

A cool new form of Auto-Suggestion and I'm a big fan of that.

Anyway, I have 3 songs live and you can find & listen by searching my name on Spotify or Apply Music if you wanna check em out. (Hope you like em') :-)