Subject: his teacher laughed at him in front of the class...

So funny story.

The other day my oldest son,

Kayden, comes home and

tells me his teacher asked

him on a quiz,

'what's your definition of


Then the teacher read his

answer out loud to the class.

Guess what he said?

'To make money without


And that's when the teacher

laughed out loud and said,

'Good luck with that.'

Fortunately my son knows


He has me for a dad and

that means he knows...

You can put in the work...

You can put in the time...

And as long as you're building

with the right vehicle...

You absolutely CAN get to a

point where your time is

disconnected from your money.

And that was the whole point

of the presentation from Monday. 

And by they way check out what

LT Turner said about it...

(make sure image viewing is

enabled to see...)

I love LT so much and am so

thankful for such a great compliment.

It's true though.

The info on that presentation

was so powerful, in part, because

it's TRUE!

And my sense is, when you hear

the truth about building freedom

in your life - it touches you deep


And so, if you haven't yet seen

that presentation above, I'd highly

encourage you to make that you're

#1 priority this weekend.

That is of course, if building

freedom is important to you.

And if you've already seen it...

Please write me back and let me

know if you have any questions


I'm here to help, if you're serious.

That's it for now!

Have a great weekend,


PS - You've got GREATNESS


PPS - If you're open to listening to

something else that can light a fire

in your soul...

This replay from this morning, just

might do the trick.

It's called "Infinite Seeds of Greatness"

It's 100% Free and it's 100% Power!

You can also dial 712-432-0990

access code 565762# if you'd rather

listen from your phone.