Subject: hidden traffic secrets from the 'James Bond' of the internet...

Hey Friend,

I just finished up my morning routine, which I did in Virtual Reality today (which was kind of cool). We got an email letting us know that due to severe winter weather here in Idaho, my 2 youngest boys will be chilling at home today with mom and dad. (YAY) :-)

Anyway I saw a statistic yesterday that sort of blew my mind and I wanted to make sure you saw it, especially if 'getting traffic' is something that you feel would help grow your business.

Feast your eyes upon this image for just a second.

That dude at the very top of this list is the world's most famous podcaster, who seems to be getting more 'traffic' than the some of the USA's biggest names in news media, combined.

For this reason I'm calling him the 'James Bond' of the internet, the double O traffic getting Ninja.

In the internet marketing space, so many people realize that 'Traffic' is a key to sales and success, and it is.

So here's the question of the day.

WHY does Joe Rogan get so much dang traffic?

Is it because he's a Facebook ad ninja?

Is it because if figured out some sort of YouTube SEO loophole?

Is it because he hacked the Google Ads formula?


None of those.

There is just one word that explains how this crazy comedian gets more traffic than just about anyone on the internet.

Can you guess the word?

Drumroll please...


He has figured out a way to be valuable to people.

And this, Friend, is a must have ingredient for long term wealth and success online.

Because even if you did crack the perfect Bing Ad formula...

Only 1-2% of your visitors will buy anyway and you'll go broke trying to keep that ad running UNLESS you can provide value to your leads over time, until they DO buy.

And here's another crazy point to mix into this delicious traffic getting soup.

If you can learn to be valuable to people, you don't even need to hack the latest ad or SEO strategy because people will flock to you in everything you do.

Your simple little Facebook posts.

Your one on one conversations.

So on and so forth.

It seems the lesson here Friend at least for me is...

'How can I get traffic' is no where near as powerful of a question as...

'How can I be useful to people?' < - - - -

Learn to ask and answer question #2 every day and in everything you do, and watch what happens to your business and your sense of meaning and purpose in every moment of your existence.

All the best,


PS - I've been busy preparing for a live event we have coming up in Salt Lake City next week. It's called Freedom Fest and we have an AWESOME lineup of speakers.

One of our speakers has orchestrated over 200 million dollars in real estate transactions throughout his career and he'll be teaching 'How To Multiply Your Money'

We also have an all star lineup of other speakers, top affiliates and earners in the home business profession who will be sharing their best value on how to be more free this year and beyond.

We've decided to livestream this event and make the recordings available as part of the ticket purchase. I'm pretty pumped about this event and wanted give you a special invitation to be my guest if it sounds like something that could benefit you and your journey.

You can learn all about if you click this link, watch the video and read the agenda below the video.  

Thanks for reading Friend, make it an awesome day and whatever you do, ALWAYS go for your dreams!