Subject: hey Friend, wanted to invite you.. (happening tomorrow morning)

Hey Friend,

I just finished up planning some content for our special 4th Of July, Independence day celebration call, happening tomorrow morning @ 9 AM EST, & I wanted to send you an invite.

If you wanna listen in, just dial 667-770-1524 and enter the access

code 565762# at 9 - or just a few minutes before.

There will be some inspiring history shared and a chance for you to share your thoughts & feelings on freedom (if you want).

*You’re welcome to just listen in, if you prefer.

And HAPPY Independence day regardless. I wish freedom to you wherever in the world you happen to live.

May peace and liberty bless the hearts and minds of all mankind.


Paul Hutchings

PS - Here's one of my favorite quotes from the content that will be shared tomorrow..

I never could believe that Providence had sent a few men into the world, ready booted and spurred to ride, and millions ready to be saddled and bridled to be ridden.”  -Richard Rumbold

Powerful right?

If you've never heard of Richard or of where this quote was uttered, you'll be blown away when you hear more tomorrow.