Subject: her biggest regret...

Hey Friend,

A week and a half or so, ago, I woke up one morning and opened Facebook. I was shocked to see that my wife's cousin, younger than me, had apparently had a stroke and died.

I've seen this person, at least once a year, for my entire married life at week long family reunions.

I'd watched him raise a family. I'd watched him get into running and shed a ton of weight and get fit and healthy.

I saw him get married, go on a honeymoon cruise and shine joy and happiness to the world via the photos he shared on social media.

Now, suddenly, out of no where, he was gone.  

At the viewing, my wife got a chance to talk to his ex-wife.

They had separated but were working on getting back together. She told my wife, that her cousin had some things he needed to work on and that he was making huge progress.

Her biggest regret?

"He told me he loved me, over and over, but I didn't tell him back. The truth is, I did love him."

Throughout this whole experience I was very present to 2 big realizations.

  1. Tomorrow is never promised, to any of us.

  2. If you love someone, never miss a chance to tell them and show them.

This whole experience has helped me to pay more attention to the moments and experiences and people that are with me each day.

It's all a gift, every single particle of existence that surrounds us.

Problem is, we often forget to treasure it all for the gift that it is.

I read a quote sometime that said "The way to realize you love something, is to have it taken away."

That's a sad, but fairly true commentary on most of us humans.

But sometimes, when we hear stories or see things being taken away, we can use those as reminders to help us realize the love that's in front of us, before it's taken away.

Anyway, been wanting to send you this little note for a while now.

Hope it helps to focus your mind a bit more on all the good in your life, now. That's what it's done for me.

Thanks for reading and I hope you have an amazing weekend.

All the best,


This is my friend Albie and I. Albie is one of the kindest, happiest, friendliest people I know. He's always expressing gratitude mixed with honest & sincere compliments. If you're reading this Albie, I love ya man and super thankful to be working with you! :-)

PS: On the business side of things, I've had some cool breakthroughs over the last couple weeks or so.

One of them, is that people seem to want a simple way to make money online. One they can follow, even if they have no experience or skill.

Over the last couple weeks, I've been testing a copy/paste strategy that's produced some pretty awesome results. In fact, with just 30 to 60 minutes per day, it's results in 4 new people joining my business.

This strategy involves zero emails, capture pages or video creation. You don't need an email list and it doesn't cost any money.

It worked so well that we deleted the old fast start process in our company, and replaced it with this one video, teaching this simple strategy. (so far, the feedback has been great and people are loving it).

Tomorrow morning at 9:00 EST, I'll be live, introducing my business partner, who will be giving an overview of our business model. If you like what you see, you can get started for as little as $25 bucks, and you'll get access to this new copy / paste / profit method in our fast start video as a bonus.

If you want to attend, just reply to this email and I'll send you the guest link.

And even if you don't, here's the big lesson that maybe you can apply in your business.

  1. If you try to teach too much, too fast, you'll confuse people and they won't believe they can do it, and they'll end up doing nothing.

  2. If you try to give people too many things to do, they'll do nothing because it's too confusing.

Keep this in mind when you're leading and guiding people and do what you can to help teach them 1 thing that works, that leads to 1 action step they can apply and they'll be much more likely to follow your instructions and succeed.

(If you end up watching our fast start video, you can see how we did this.)

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, ALWAYS go for your dreams!