Subject: he was about to throw himself off a bridge Friend...

Hey Friend,

I just got off a planning mastermind for our upcoming Freedom Fest live event in Salt Lake City in January...

The leaders around me are some of the best people I've known in my entire life.

Not because of how successful they are, or what kind of car they drive, or what they look like on the outside, but because of their hearts. Their hearts to give and serve and lead from the highest intentions possible.

Whenever I look at these people who are showing up and giving so much, to help us continue to manifest our vision, it leaves me in awe.

A while back I read that Robert Kiyosaki had a mentor named Buckminster Fuller. One of the things that's been fun to do, over the years, is track down and learn from the mentors of my mentors.

I learned that when Buckminster Fuller was a young man, he'd had a string of business failures and then lost his only child, a newborn baby girl.

He was so depressed that he walked himself out to the edge of a bridge on a dark stormy night, fully intending to cast himself into the water to end it all.

Just as he was about to jump, he had a strange sentence float into his consciousness.

"You don't belong to yourself, you belong to the Universe."

He stopped dead in his tracks and pondered the curious meaning.

He turned around, walked off the bridge and back to his life asking himself this question...

'What can one person who decides to dedicate his life to the benefit of humanity accomplish?'

'What can I do, I'm just a little guy?' he told himself...

The first question overpowered the 2nd, and the curiosity of the 2nd, continued to feed and inspire the first.

He went on to become one of the world's most prolific inventors, speakers and authors... eventually inspiring Robert Kiyosaki to ask the same question...

'What can I do, I'm just a little guy.'

When I look around me, and see all of the incredible people, showing up to love, and give and serve the cause of freedom in our community...

People like Nick who works tirelessly creating amazing sales material for our community.

People like Amy, Kevin, Mike, Bill, Kati, Jessie, Lori Sue, Sean, Kristian, Rita Joye, Mamma Elizabeth, Debra and ALL the amazing people (too many to list) who show up every day to serve the vision of Freedom Through Principle Centered Leadership on our daily Grow Rich Mastermind...

People like Mike, Bill, Amy, Jim & Kristi, Josh, & Rita Joye who show up to a mastermind on a Saturday morning to help plan an event, that they paid to attend...

Not only am I inspired more than ever, I'm reminded of that question...

What can I do, I'm just a little guy?

And when I think about all of the great results we've created, collectively, in our community over the years...

The 1,655,179 dollars in commissions we've paid to affiliates...

The 86,000 + days worth of meals we've helped to provide to kids and families in need across the globe...

The countless lives and minds that have been touched and changed and lifted and opened and inspired...

The life long relationships and friendships that have been formed...

The products that have been created and sold, and communities that have been inspired by what we do...

I think to myself...

'What can I do, I'm just a little guy'

You and I may be just a little guy or little gal Friend, but guess what?

There are lots of other little guys and little gals like us who want to make a positive difference in this world.

And if we work together, each of us adding the best of what each of us has, into seeing what we can make of ourselves, for ourselves and for others...

We can be amazed, like I am, as we watch the miracle unfold before our very eyes.

Buckminster was told that he belonged to the Universe and the Universe had bigger plans for him...

The Bible says that 'with God, all things are possible to them that believe.'

And whether you call it 'God', 'The Universe', 'Infinite Intelligence', 'A Higher Power', or ........ You fill in the blank _______________....

It seems that there's something bigger, behind this thing we call life, working through us to create something great.

And maybe Friend, when we open up to that just a little bit more, even greater things can be done with all of us 'little guys' and 'little gals'.

Have a great weekend Friend.


PS - This is what I feel is coming through me. My mission, my purpose, the reason I'm here... the people I'm meant to serve, the thing that this little guy is supposed to be doing. Take a peek if you feel it calling to you too.