Subject: from an app I HATE to...

Happy Sunday Friend!

In today's email, I want to tell you about an app I've come to hate, what it taught me about addiction and how it turned into what I believe could be, the most addictive, personally profitible app that I love.

I dunno if you've ever heard of Snap Chat Friend. I learned about it because my kids starting using it a few years ago. I guess it's all the rage with the young ones nowadays.

It's one of the main ways they communicate & meet other kids.

What's to hate about something like that?

Well lemme tell ya.

I started to notice my kids taking stupid pictures of silly things like the ceiling, the floor, the edge of a couch, a leg, the side of their face, and any other random thing you could imagine & posting them in this app.

As a parent, I'm like "What the heck are you doing?"

Why are you taking pictures of random nonsense and posting them on social media.

They explained to me that "Snaps" are how they communicate with friends and that you need a photo of something to be able to send a snap.

So I'm like... "Well, a useless photo is not really communicating. Why are you sending useless photos to your friends?"

They then would say to me "Because I don't want to lose my streak."

What's a 'streak' I'd ask?

It's basically where Snapchat gives you a score of the number of days in a row that you've sent a 'snap' without missing a day.

This number accumulates like a score in a video game and if you miss a 'snap' you go all the way back down to zero.

It was this little addictive trick that snapchat had used to swindle kids into sending as many as 10,000 useless photos online, thereby keeping these kids hooked on the app.

As a dad, and someone who cares about getting the most from life, I couldn't fathom the amount of time wasted on something so pointless..

But what I thought didn't matter. The kids were hooked and there wasn't much I could to to help them see the life cost of something like that. At least at the time.

Over the years my kids have stopped worrying so much about their snap score and they aren't as crazy about it as they once were. Who knows, maybe I do have some little influence on them. (fingers crossed) :-)

Anyway, I hope you can see why that app used to drive me BONKERS.

One of my favorite quotes, which you may get sick of hearing from me if you continue to stay subscribed and read my emails, comes from Napoleon Hill.

"In every apparent setback lies the seed of an equal or greater advantage."

What could I learn from SnapChat about human behavior and motivation?

Could I use this same strategy on myself in ways that were productive and useful?

Tony Robbins once said that the 2 greatest human motivators are 'Hope of Gain' and 'Fear of Loss.' He went onto say that 'fear of loss' is by far the greater motivator to action.

I've seen this play out in my own business over and over again.

Run a promotion with a deadline, where there's something to lose if people don't take action and get started, and the customers come flooding in.

Because I've seen this happen, time and time again, I believe Tony was right.

Fear of loss is a powerful motivator.

What SnapChat had done, was tap into this power.

Because the kids were 'Afraid of losing' their streak, they'd be compelled to send those silly photos.

Again, I wondered, is this something I could use on myself as a motivator to do things that I know I need to do, consistantly, to help me becom the next best version of myself?

Well I'm about to let you in on a little secret.

Couple weeks ago, I was chatting with my programmer friend Brandon. He's the guy that created the personal growth app we bought last year.

During our conversation he asked me... "If there were one thing you wish the app had, that it doesn't have now, what would it be?"

I immediately knew the answer.

Could we build in a habit tracker, that keeps track of the number of days in a row you've performed a task, and display those numbers as streaks and even give you a score on how long your streak is?

His wish was my command and low and behold, just one week later, we have this POWERFUL functionality built into our app - and it's even BETTER than I imagined.

Here's how it works...

When you add an item to your 'to do' list, you can set it to repeat for whatever frequency you desire throughout the week.

Some habits I want to do every day, like reading or practicing my guitar. On those I'd check all the circles that represent each day of the week.

Other habits I only want to do say 5 days a week, like weight training. So I'd leave saturday and sunday unchecked and check all the other days.

Once I click save, 3 things happen.

First, that new task will now show up on my to do list, automatically into the future, so I don't have to add it at the beginning of the day every day.

Second, the app will show me when that task is do, like shown in this picture.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, this repeating task gets added to the habit tracker where I can see my streaks.

Whenever I check that task off for the day, I get celebrated in the app, and reminded of my streak which provides a huge hit of dopamine.

We literally just got this live over the weekend, and that's why my streaks are starting fresh.

How motivated do you think I'll be, to stay disciplined, with all of this in place?

I can tell you from personal experience, it's literally a game changer.

There's no way I want to risk losing my streak, and oftentimes, I'll be motivated to complete my task, for that reason alone.

I mean who wants to go back to zero?

The reason I'm so pumped about this is because SOOOO many people struggle with discipline.

Whether it's doing what you need to do consistantly to build a successful business from home...

Learning to play the guitar...

Taking a supplement that you know you should take but always forget...

Us humans make it easy to 'skip it' because we 'forget it' by not writing it down and also, because there is no immediate punishment or reward for 'doing the thing.'

Now there is.

Jim Rohn said disipline is the bridge between thought and accomplishment.

My business career has proved to me that he was right.

You have to be extremely long term focused in order to do the things you need to do every day, when many of those things and days give you no immediate reward.

This is why so many people quit.

This app changes that.

It gives you daily reward and celebration for staying consistent and punishes you for quitting on your discipline by taking your streak away.

I really can't even begin to tell you how excited I am for how this is going to help me, and so many others as well.

So Friend, this is how an app I hated turned into an app that I love.

Guess ol uncle Nap was write. There IS a seed of opportunity in every apparent setback. :-)

Thanks for reading and hope you have a great week.


Have a question? Ask me here...

PS: If you'd like to learn more about this amazing app with all of it's other features this is the perfect video to watch. There's even a link to jump straight to the product demo in the bottom right hand corner of the video player if you're short on time.

PPS: If you're ready to just sign up and get started using it, you can use this direct join link here (it's only $10)