Subject: fat to fit to fit to fit...


Last night, at dinner with my wife, she said "remember that time when you got up to 200 lbs?"

I did because I'd just written an email about it earlier this week.

I opened up the email and showed her the picture.

As I looked the 2 different versions of myself, I couldn't even hardly believe they were the same person.

Even though I love both versions, one of them is clearly the happier, healthier, more energetic and inspiring one.

The only difference between them was a decision made once and remembered every day.

This is a reminder that we all have the power to change for the better, if we want to.

We can look at the various aspects of our lives and find the one's that we'd like to improve. We probably have some areas that are just great the way they are and that's awesome.

The only way we know what's good and what could be better is to become conciously aware of what's happening in our lives.

It can be super easy to exist on autopilot and hide parts of our lives from awareness, ignoring them as we float along.

Some wise old guy from Greece supposedly once said

"The unexamined life, is not worth living."

Every once in a while, it's good to turn on the camera of our mind and take a snapshot of where we're at.

This is how we know if "we're good" or if there might be some areas we can improve on.

This week I've been taking a self inventory of where I'm at in certain areas.

- Weight

- Strength

- Habits

- Income

- Business metrics

- Cash flow

- Savings

- Etc.

Sure enough, as I looked closely, I found some good things and i found some areas that could be better.

As I've crystalized a picture of my current state, my future desired state is becoming a bit more clear and I'm getting a better sense of what goals I should set so that the next few months don't find me unimproved and unsatisfied with certain parts of my life.

Maybe now is a good time for you to do the same.

What's good in your life?

What's good but could be better?

What shifts (if any) in health, wealth or wisdom would you like to see?

What habits are not serving you?

What new habits could serve you and those you love in newer and better ways?

These are some questions I've been asking that have been enlightening for my path forward.

We're about to start our annual "Trinity Challenge" where we as a group, collectively set a few goals for our life progress.

The 3 focus areas are health, wealth and wisdom.

We'll be releasing a video this week to explain the details of the challenge.

If you're interested in checking it out to see if what we do together, might be able to help you individually on your progress, stay tuned to your email inbox and I'll be sure to get you the video once we have it ready.

Reguardless, I hope you'll recieve this post as an invitation to do a personal inventory, if you haven't done one in a while to see what you can see about where you're at on this life journey.

It's an important activity that's sometimes not comfortable to engage in, but always enlightening - and once we see there's a path to something better, one of the most inpsiring things we can do.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!
