Subject: do you like me Friend?

Hey Friend,

I just realized the 'about me' page on my blog wasn't live for the longest time and so my last comment was from 2011. 🤦‍♂️

I just re-published this page and the comments are looking kind of lonely.

If I've helped you or inspired you, or you just like me or trust me (and you think others might get value from me too), it would help me a ton if you'd leave me a comment here.

If you leave me a comment, I'm happy to leave one for you on whatever content you want me to comment on.

Just email me back with what you want me to comment on of yours after you leave your comemment here and I'll gitter done. :-)

Thanks so much!


PS - Planning on doing a podcast episode here soon on my top 7 favorite marketing & lead gen tools so keep an eye out for that if that kind of thing floats your boat.

PPS - If you don't like me and don't want to keep getting my emails, the unsubscribe link is down below. No hard feelings if you purge me from your life. My mission is to serve and help those who are looking for how I can help them. Numero uno, being help people build residual income and freedom faster with this.