Subject: If You're Wrestling (or hurting) In Your Faith, This Might Help

If You're Wrestling (or hurting) In Your Faith, This Might Help

September 27th, 2023 at 12:53 pm EDT

Hey Friend, This morning my friend Amy reminded me of why I started The Good Parts daily live series. The inspiration came from an Andy Grammer Song that refers to the hard parts, the painful parts, the struggling parts - as .... The Good Parts, of o ...

3 Surprisingly Effective Shaving Tips For Men...

September 26th, 2023 at 11:53 am EDT

Hey Friend, Today's video is super random but, if you're a guy and you shave, it could be well worth your time to check it out. I've been shaving since I was a teenager, and a year or 2 ago I started watching 'How to Shave' videos on YouTube. Yes, my ...

Advice For My Teenage Son (unpopular entrepreneurial opinion)

September 25th, 2023 at 12:51 pm EDT

Happy Monday Friend! Hope you had a great weekend! Mine was pretty good. I got a lot of rest in as I'm still working on getting rid of this little cold bug. Anyway, I wanted to share with you a quick little story of an interaction I had with one of m ...

How I Enrolled 2 Customers Yesterday On Auto-Pilot – WAHOOOOO!

September 22nd, 2023 at 1:23 pm EDT

Hey Friend! How are you today on this amazing FREEEDOM Friday? Hopefully awesome and amazing like my friend Pas Simpson likes to say. In today's email I want to share with you a little about how I enrolled 2 new customers yesterday, while not working ...

3,000 Year Old Law Of Reality Revealed

September 21st, 2023 at 12:18 pm EDT

Happy Thursday Friend! So I read someting out of a VERY old book that struck me as interesting and I wanted to pass it along because I believe it has a LOT to do with success. The book is Leviticus, and yes, it's from the Bible. Most of that book is ...

Wealthy People Do This...

September 20th, 2023 at 12:53 pm EDT

Hey Friend! I've recently been reading the new Elon Musk biography by Walter Isaacson ran across a cool little story, that illustrates something that most wealthy people seem to do. This all went down when Elon was consulting with bankers about some ...

Private 14 Year Old Journal Entry Reveals The Truth About Home Business Entrepreneurship

September 19th, 2023 at 12:52 pm EDT

Hey Friend, I found an old journal entry that was made a few years after I started my first business from home. It seems to contain a truth that, if you come to grips with, can help make the hard times, a little easier to bear – and maybe even help ...

The 2 Most Crucial Goals To Set For Freedom

September 18th, 2023 at 12:41 pm EDT

Hey Friend, Short email today because I'm nursing a bit of a cold, but I DID want to get this video out for you. One of the things I've noticed about myself is that the more goals I have, and/or rabbits to chase, the more I tend to stress myself out. ...

The Mysterious Prophecy Of Carl Jung

September 15th, 2023 at 1:47 pm EDT

Hey Friend, Got a few things percolating around in my conciousness today that you may find some value in. (fingers totally crossed) :-) A few weeks back, I shared a quote on social media from Carl Jung that went as follows: No matter how isolated ...

How To Get More From Less - Top Leverage Points For Online Marketers

September 14th, 2023 at 12:42 pm EDT

Hey Friend! One of the big ideas I learned way back in the day, right after I'd just gotten started on the path to financial freedom, was that wealthy people think and act differently than others. In the very first sales presentation, in the very fir ...