Subject: The First Rule Of Good Content…

The First Rule Of Good Content…

January 24th, 2023 at 11:39 am EDT

Hey Friend, hope you’re having an amazing day today so far.   So this morning as I was doing my daily reading, I found myself jotting down a few notes that I really found inspiring.   I decided to turn those notes into a 58 second video, call ...

How To Build A Network Marketing Funnel

January 23rd, 2023 at 5:46 pm EDT

Hey Friend, I just posted a brand new training for my network marketing friends on my YouTube channel that shows, step by step, how to build a network marketing funnel.Here's the link to take a peek if this is something that's up your alley. (Just be ...

How Incompetence Closes More Sales…

January 22nd, 2023 at 8:40 pm EDT

Hey Friend, Would you be surprised if I said that incompetence can help you close more sales? I believe it absolutely can. Strategic incompetence that is... Check out this short video I just made to learn how this can not only help you close more ...

[90 minutes left] - 100K in 10 days -> even her sister joined...

January 20th, 2023 at 11:30 pm EDT

Hey Friend, I wasn’t going to send out another email, but this is just too good not to.   When Mike and I started this promotion 10 days ago, we set, what we thought at the time, to be a crazy intention.   We were at $241,000 per month in reven ...

Last Day + Could This ACTUALY BE Possible...?

January 20th, 2023 at 12:58 pm EDT

Hey Friend, Just wanted to send a friendly reminder that today is the last day to take action on our free 2 week option to join and use our new Emerson Content Machine For Free. Also, one of the things I've noticed about people just getting started o ...

Holy Freedom SHMOLY! 71, 109, 1300 & [24 hrs. left]..

January 19th, 2023 at 8:32 pm EDT

Holy SMOKES Friend! We are on FIRE! Check out this text I got from my business partner earlier today...I got curious and ran a report to see how many new members have made the decision to get started and join our Freedom Crusade in the last 19 day ...

[Ultimate Throwdown] You Vs. AI, Who Will Be Left Standing?

January 19th, 2023 at 12:39 pm EDT

Hey Friend, After yesterday's email I got an email from a great friend, who was expressing some concern about how AI might eliminate the need for people to develop and be creative. It was such a great point it got me thinking and that's why i decided ...

only 48 hours left...

January 19th, 2023 at 12:25 pm EDT

just in case you missed this email from last night, I wanted to forward it again with 48 hours left in the subject line just in case you're someone who hasn't seen what we're doing yet with the 2 week Free Trial of our Emerson AI magic Content machin ...

yo Friend, can i get a what, WHAT!?🙋‍♀️

January 18th, 2023 at 10:26 pm EDT

So check this out Friend. The new Hutchings Family Poem,co-authored with Emerson The Magic Content Machine... Pretty cool right? My wife and 4 boys are all going to memorize this with me and it's going to transform my family and set my kids up for am ...

23 Crazy Ways To Make Life & Biz Better With AI [MAGIC]

January 18th, 2023 at 1:50 pm EDT

Hey Friend, I've been learning a TON about how AI can benefit all of our lives and businesses, right now. Drumroll please... Today's Mind-Blowingly Awesome Video (yes of course I'm biased, but I still do REALLY believe this stuff is mind-blowingly aw ...