Subject: a letter to my sons (& how to avoid life's most costly mistake)
a letter to my sons (& how to avoid life's most costly mistake)
July 31st, 2023 at 12:28 pm ESTHappy Magnificent Monday Friend! Hope your weekend was STELLAR! In today's video, I want to share with you something a little personal. Yesterday morning I woke up with a feeling of failure. I know I'm not a failure in all aspects of my life, but i ...
an extra $12,000 ?
July 29th, 2023 at 11:22 am ESTHappy Saturday Friend, This morning, as I was cleaning my car... I was listening to our Saturday new members orientation. My business partner Mike, in passing, mentioned that he had earned $18,000 in extra income from a simple little (100% necessar ...
Simple Hack For More Of A Money Magnet Mind
July 28th, 2023 at 12:51 pm ESTWAHOO! Happy Freedom Friday Friend! You have any big plans for the weekend? Nothing much going on in my world this weekend other than some work around the house... (sad right?) Nah, it'll be fun. I'm sure my wife and I will come up with something ...
How To Keep The FIRE & Stay Consistent Long Term
July 27th, 2023 at 12:33 pm ESTHey Friend! Last week a good friend of mine asked me the following question on one of my YouTube videos... Paul, without drinking 20 cups of coffee within 10 minutes, how do we replicate your enthusiasm stay consistent? To which I replied, 'Well ...
Naked And Afraid (making a difference in the nude)
July 26th, 2023 at 12:18 pm ESTNo Friend, that headline was NOT click bait. A naked man really did make a big difference in my sister's life. I'm not much of a TV watcher so you can imagine my surpise when my sister told me there was a reality TV show where people strip down, bu ...
The Structure Of Magic (+Home Gym Update)
July 25th, 2023 at 12:44 pm ESTHey Friend! How the heck are you? Hopefully, great! Did I tell you that I've been working on building out a home gym? I think I probably did and may even have given you an early tour. Anyway, it's coming along, and I'm so excited - I wanted to shar ...
The Snowman Epiphany
July 24th, 2023 at 12:24 pm ESTFriend, I have a friend who did something new every day for a year and made a video about it. I first became aware of him when he joined a company I was in, and quickly created HUGE results in a short amount of time. We became friends and even were ...
The Dastardly Demon (& how to defeat it!)
July 21st, 2023 at 12:56 pm ESTdoo, doo, doo how are YOU Friend!? :-) Hopefully AMAZING! So, check this out. This morning, A dear friend shared a secret fear of hers, relating to content creation and lead generation. She ain't alone, and that's a fact. This dastardly demon sti ...
How To Grow A Profitible Business, Without Talking About Business
July 20th, 2023 at 12:54 pm ESTHey Friend! Yesterday I got the coolest message from a friend who purchased a product from me (HOT DIGGITTY Money Dancing DOG, WAHOOO!!!! YES, I did earn a great commission - but that's not the point).. The point is what this friend said to me... A ...
An Unexpected, Semi Shocking Realization I Had Last Night
July 19th, 2023 at 12:45 pm ESTHey Friend! Last night I was watching my youngest son Kashton play in the championship little league game. (yes, thankfully they won - even though they were expected to lose... but that's not the point of this email.)After Kashton's game, my wife C ...