Subject: 'this 1 things can make you a fortune' he told me...

'this 1 things can make you a fortune' he told me...

March 29th, 2022 at 11:57 am EDT

Hey Friend, A quick nugget of wealth wisdom for you today. Once upon a time I had the chance to learn from the person who created the largest first month check in the history of network marketing (and probably affiliate marketing too). In the month o ...

The Greatest Threat To Humanity (and your business)

March 28th, 2022 at 11:45 am EDT

Hey Friend, I was recently watching a fascinating YouTube video on an interview that Elon Musk (the world's richest person) gave. One thing that I find interesting about Elon is that he seem to have given a lot of thought to threats to humanity. For ...

Weekly Free Home Biz Sales & Marketing Training

March 25th, 2022 at 9:40 pm EDT

Happy Freedom Friday Friend! I just posted my free, weekly home biz sales marketing training. In this weeks video I share... 2 hidden forms of home business slavery that are so tricky they can really 'getchya' if you're not careful, even with the bes ...

The Sick Truth About Power

March 24th, 2022 at 11:55 am EDT

Hey Friend, Yesterday, after lunch playing some catch with my son Kayden for his birthday,My wife and I got to go and watch him play his high school baseball game. Kayden made the Varsity team but so far hasn't seen much playing time in the varsity g ...

617 people have made money with this so far...

March 23rd, 2022 at 12:24 pm EDT

Hey Friend, I'm just headed out the door to take my son to lunch for his birthday but wanted to give you some quick update stats. So far, we've helped 617 actually get paid with what we created. We are now over 102K per month in recurring revenue (an ...

the TRUTH about you Friend..

March 22nd, 2022 at 2:34 pm EDT

Dear Friend, Every once in a while I have a flash of inspiration flood through my being. This content of this email is the result of one of those flashes here about an hour ago. Call it whatever you wish to call it. I just know that I'm supposed to s ...

The Auto Pilot Invitation Formula Revealed

March 22nd, 2022 at 12:01 pm EDT

Hey Friend, I recently discovered a cool way to send auto-pilot invitations (that work) with the push of a button. In fact, using this strategy I generated 32 opt in leads and enrolled 4 new customers. I made this video to show you exactly how I did ...

Holy SMOKES Batman! 32 Push Button Leads (here's how)

March 21st, 2022 at 11:20 am EDT

Happy Magic Monday Friend, Last week I generated 32 opt in leads of people who were eager to look at my business with a simple push button strategy. Not only did I get 32 new leads, but imagine my surprise when 4 of them saw the video and decided to ...

1 Text, 4 new customers, here's how...

March 18th, 2022 at 6:06 pm EDT

Happy Freedom Friday Friend, So yesterday I sent 1 text message and enrolled 4 new customers into my business on auto pilot. As I write this message it almost sounds too good to be true because it was SUCH a cool feeling. :-) I made this video to sho ...

this is your one and only chance Friend...

March 11th, 2022 at 3:02 pm EDT

Hey Friend, Last Saturday I did a private team training where I revealed exactly How I gathered 5 new customers in a couple days with a few simple automated emails. This was supposed to have no replay and that was 100% the plan. That being said, I ma ...