Subject: "but what if they dont' like me?" 🤔

Hey Friend!

Hope your day is AMAZING!

This morning on our Grow Rich Mastermind, I heard something POWERFUL!

When I first got started building my business on the internet, I struggled with fear and self-doubt.

I wondered "What will people think of me if they see me on video and I say something silly?"

I also wondered "What if they don't like me?"

If you have had any of these thoughts and they are keeping you from stepping into your FULL power, I think the wisdom you'll pick up from deciding to watch my live today, can help.

Hope you love the video Friend, and also - just a heads up, I'll be traveling for the next couple days with no internet so I won't be live for my good parts episodes for the end of this week.

I'll be back next monday..

Until then...

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings