Subject: all successful entrepreneurs do this...

Hey Friend,

Yesterday I called a successful friend of mine for a bit of advice.

When he answered the phone I said, 'Hey man, what are you doing?'

He told me he was swinging a hammer on his new investment project which was driving him nutz.

It was driving him nuts because he knew that it would be far better for him to hire that piece of the project out..

Problem is... He can't find anyone to come and work.

So, he has to do it himself.

I told him... 'yup.. I hear ya. This is why when people ask me.. -Hey Paul, what do you do for a living?'

I always want to respond by telling them..

"Whatever it takes!"

That's a much more accurate description because the truth is, for successful entrepreneurs, the thing that matters most, is getting the job done.

Yes, all the books and goo roos tell you to hire out the work..

And yes, that IS a smart idea and we should do it, when we can..


When our present reality doesn't allow for some of these genius business ideas, we have to go to work, to get the job done... even if that means we do the dang work ourselves.

Anyway, just wanted to pass along this food for thought today.

Do the work.

Do the work..

Get it done...

Get it done...

Whatever it takes...

Whatever it takes...

This type of mindset will do more for your long term success than any shortcut, genius idea you'll learn in a book or from a goo roo.

Thanks for reading and be blessed! (so you can bless yourself and others)


PS - I've found the best way to 'be blessed' is to live in such a way that it seems like you cause your blessings.

Like Napoleon Hill said, 'If you want to get results from prayer, you must condition your mind in such as way that your whole LIFE becomes a prayer.'

PPS - If you haven't checked out my 7 video marketing Bootcamp, or read my Online Recruiting Secrets eBook, you might find it tremendously valuable and you can get it all for free here.