Subject: a sad way to live...

Hey Friend,

So I posted a quote in one of my Facebook groups earlier and received a shocking reply.

The Quote:  

'Some people are never free from troubles, mainly because they keep their minds attuned to worry. The mind attracts that which it dwells upon.' -Nap Hill (or uncle Nap as I like to affectionately call him)

The Shocking Reply Thread:

Dude says:  The mind thinks that which it concerns. We can not blame people for being concerned or worried. And most importantly we can not claim to know it all.

I say: No blame. The point though, at least from my experience (and no, I don’t know it all) is what I choose to focus on expands.

If I fill my mind with goals, dreams, action, service and being useful, worry is very rare.

If I focus on the news, problems, negatives, read pessimistic views of the world and life, worry can be non stop.

So it seems to me, that we do have a large degree of control over whether we have a mind filled with more faith, or more fear / worry.

At least that’s been my experience and results from studying and applying Dr Hill’s teachings

And here comes the real shocker... Wait for it...

Dude says: But we can not control our thoughts. They come from somewhere else. And it's madness to control one's thoughts.

Holy SHNIEKIES! Did he really just say that?

What a SAD way to live in my humble opinion.

Here's what I told him... 

'Different strokes for different folks I guess. For me, I take 100% responsibility for my thoughts.

I plant the thoughts I want, I focus on my goals, this is absolutely controlling my thoughts.'

And I guess we could argue philosophy till the cows come home. Some people say we have free will, others say we don't.

I can't say for others, because I'm not them, but I can say for myself that there have been times where I CHOSE to watch the news and it destroyed my peace of mind and FILLED me with worry.

I can say there are other times in my life where I've CHOSEN to tune out the news, negativity, idleness, and any other thing that seemed to bring me down and instead CHOSE to do affirmations religiously, study useful books, hang around people who shine light into my life and diligently fill my time with work towards my goals and dreams and during those times, my heart, mind and soul are FILLED with FAITH.

So for me, I can say with certainty, conclusions drawn from the facts of personal experience that I can absolutely control my thoughts OR my thoughts can control me.

Seems to be a choice as to whether I'm going to be a rocket ship shooting with precision toward a goal or a newspaper blowing around in the wind, controlled by the whims of everyone else's thoughts.

I guess we each have to make our own decision on this topic but I would say CHOOSE WISELY, because only one of these choices seems to lead toward a mostly positive, happy, constructive, faith filled and self directed state of mind.

Sweet dreams Friend, and thanks for reading!


PS :  I'm hosting the Grow Rich Mastermind in the morning where we study the book Think And Grow Rich for an hour, and have done daily for over 11 years now in an effort to CONTROL OUR THOUGHTS. :-) Lemme know if you'd like to join us and I can get you the info.

PPS : Check out this pic I snapped of my commission notifications from today, which seem to be a direct result of my decision to control my thoughts, which in turn have controlled my actions, which in turn have given me results I desire.