Subject: a quiet comfortable grave...

Hey Friend,

Yesterday in our Trinity Transformation group, someone who decided to make a change in his life posted something profound.

A nice comfortable grave....

Let those words sink in Friend. Have you ever felt like that?

Do you feel like that now?

I remember a time where I did. It was just last year.

I had a successful thriving business that seemed to be growing without me doing much at all.

And I fell into a rut, began to coast and gained a lot of weight.

Here's a picture of me during that time, January of 2021.

Ya that's me at 'comfortable' 200 lbs.

One of our other community members, Gail, posted in the group yesterday..

'Don't let your grove become your grave.'

I was so happy laying there in the shade of the grove of prosperity trees surrounding me, I started to let it become my grave.

The good news, and truth about life is, you can ALWAYS snap out of any FUNK you find yourself in and step into a life of joy, excitement and vibrance.

I decided to change and here's what happened.

I got in the best shape of my entire life, dramatically increased my energy, gave myself much more happiness and satisfaction when I see myself in the mirror every day, increased the attractor factor in my marriage and so much more.

All from one simple decision, that I stuck with.

Anyway Friend if you've found yourself with one foot in the grave in any important aspect of your life, I just wanted to remind you that you can WAKE UP and start LIVING your best life again.

If I can help in anyway, just let me know.

You have so much greatness inside you and the people and the world around you need you to show them the way.

Let your light shine Friend because you've definitely got it in you, in unlimited supply.

Thanks for reading and hope you're day is amazing!


PS - If you want to work with me personally, this is the best way to do that.

PPS - If you want to tune into our community where I invest a lot of time creating content, teaching and serving you can learn all about that here...

You can listen to today's grow rich mastermind that we just finished up 100% for free here - 712-432-0990 Access 565762# 

(Just pick up your phone and dial in sometime this weekend)

All the best!