Subject: a note from Amy's heart ❤️

Good morning Friend,

Yesterday I was on a special live zoom mastermind we did for our company because I had created some special (surprise) gifts I wanted to make available to the people there, who I live and love to serve.

For the rest of the day I felt completely drained emotionally. It was similar to how I felt after our recent Freedom Fest event in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Drained though, in a good way. Like you've given everything there was inside of you to give, and because you did, the emotional and spiritual giving that comes back, overwhelms you to the point of tears...

So you're drained because there's nothing left to give (at least for the day) and because your spirit has been filled back up with so much goodness, your soul is so happy and full, to the point of overflowing, it just can't take any more and needs to rest.

Sort of like when you have a big feast on Thanksgiving and afterward, your body just needs a nap. ;-)

Anyway, one of my best friends and business partners wrote something after the event, that I felt inspired to send you this morning...

I'm calling it, A Note From Amy's Heart ❤️ and,

Here's what she said...

We had a company-wide Zoom meeting this morning, to reveal some exciting company updates.

It was seriously one of the most moving webcasts I've ever been on.

Lots of us were moved to tears multiple times...

Brand new people cried, and industry veterans did, too.

There were so many profound comments made.

For example, Paula, one of our brand new members who thought she was done with the home business industry said,

"I'm dreaming again."

And Wanda, another new member who refers to herself as 'green' because she came in with zero tech skills, said,

"This group doesn't make you feel 'less than', it makes you feel 'part of'."

She went on to talk about the unbelievable amount of support she has gotten inside of our community.

Then Rob, an industry veteran who has made millions of dollars in all kinds of companies and who has been marketing online for over 2 decades, with tears in his eyes, said,

"The last couple of years I've been feeling like I just want to turn it off and be done. So many people and companies have let us down significantly... and I don't need to make any more money.

When I went through the training here, I was blown away by how sincere and how heartfelt and how real it all was.

Then (speaking to Paul), when I watched your presentation in Salt Lake City and saw how you were reaching for a higher place, you shut down the spirit I had of being done.

I realized I wasn't done. Because now, I'm in a complete place of just being able to contribute, for no other reason than to contribute. Thank you for the opportunity to be able to do that.

If you need more money to pay the bills and feed the dog and pay your credit card bills- you're in the right place.

If you're looking to find a place of contribution and spiritual growth, and to really embrace the person that attracts everything that is important, we have that here.

So I just want to thank you guys... you have been such an incredible blessing."

Rob was crying so much that he had to stop talking.

And Paul was crying, too. His response was,

"I don't know what this is but I'm excited to keep figuring it out together, because it feels really beautiful."

Many of us have been feeling like that since our event in Salt Lake last month...

like there's some sort of divine intervention happening here that can't be explained or even put into words.

After the webinar ended, I sent Paul a message. I wrote,

"That was really good. Thanks again for everything."

And when I looked back at the message before I sent it, it said,

"That was really God. Thanks again for everything."

I corrected it and sent it- but I shared with Paul what it said before. I told him,

"I think that really was God today."

There's just some sort of magic happening here that cannot be explained.

We all know we are being called to a higher place, and the right people are finding us in droves right now. I've never seen or experienced anything like it before.

I could go on and on, but I don't think I need to.

Really I just want you to know that there's a place in the home business industry that's beautiful and magical.

A place where we are being called to reach to higher places and serve in more profound ways...

A place where people who gave up on their dreams are are dreaming again...

A place where people feel like they belong...

A place engulfed in so much love it's hard to fathom.

And I agree with Paul...

I don't know what this is but I'm excited to keep figuring it out together, because it feels really beautiful.

And, more than anything, I'm just so grateful to be here.


So Friend, I wanted to send you that because I thought there were some really great takeaways in there that can be used for any business.

One other thing Rob said yesterday that stood out to me... He told us of how he had built this massive team of tens of thousands of people and had all the residual income his heart could desire.

The dream space right?

Here's what Rob said when he found himself there...

"Is this it? Is that all there is?"

Then when he was talking about all of the benefits he's received from being a part of our company and community... he inserted, mid-sentence,

"I've made a ton of money here too, but that's just silly stuff."

He said that last line with tears streaming down his face.

He's one of our top affiliates, earning the most income and when he talks about the benefits he's received by being a part of our company, the money he's earned only gets one sentence in his entire communication and then he adds... But that's just silly stuff..

Wow. It reminds me of something my wife Corene said one time, after an event we were at where they seemed to be praising all the people who'd made the most money as Gods.

She leaned over to me and whispered in my ear, 'there's more than money that makes up a leader.'

Anyway Friend, I pass all these thoughts along to you on this Beautiful Sunday morning in the hopes that there might be some wisdom and inspiration here for you.

I love you, I believe in you and I'm so thankful you're on my email list.

Wishing you all today, and every day, the best that life has to offer.


(The pic below is Amy and I at our event last month)

PS - If you'd like to be a part of this magic we seem to be experiencing, I'd love to invite you to watch this video I created, where I did my best to give it the introduction it deserves and teach some things that might be useful to you even if you don't decide to partner up with me and us.

PPS - And if you're one of those, hey just 'show me the money' and skip to the nutz and bolts of the business type of guy or gal, I added a link below my video that you can use to jump straight to the presentation page.

Oh, there's also a little chat box that pops up on the page that you can use to message me with any questions you might have after watching the presentation.