Subject: a life changing challenge for you Friend...

Hey Friend,

So check this out...

Last year we created something called The 11:11 Trinity Transformation Challenge. During this challenge, I was able to lose 40 lbs and get six pack abs for the first time since high school.

The even better news, is I've kept off the weight without yo-yo ing back and forth.

It was a HUGE benefit for my life.

We are now starting the challenge for 2023 and if you're up for a transformation, a change, a new decision, a new direction, maybe even a bit of a new life... this could be for you.

Tune in here to this replay, as I explain how this works and how you can participate, if you want to.

All the best,

Paul Hutchings

PS: I'm SO Incredibly grateful for this comment that Ali left on my YouTube Channel last week.


Ha ha, seriously though Friend, my belief is that if you strive to make an impact, the money will follow.

Thank you again Ali! Your comment made my day!