Subject: a hug from the Universe...

Hey Friend,

I'm just finishing up day 2 of our Getaway to Maui and I wanted to write you a quick note & share a bit of the experience so far.

This is our first time to Hawaii and I have to say, it's far surpassed anything I could have expected.

My friend Nick who created our all in one sales page told me there's a special (maybe magical) energy here and he really hit the nail on the head.

Yesterday evening, as I watched the sun go down over the breath taking, picture perfect, hypnotically relaxing ocean, I felt the perfectly warm air fill my lungs and simultaneously wrap my physical body in the warmest embrace you could imagine...

I thought to myself, if there's such a place as heaven on earth, this must be it.

If I was to describe this all in one sentence, I'd say it feels like...

A hug from the Universe.

I've put a few pics & short vids on my Facebook wall that you're welcome to take a peek at if you want, but I guess the bottom line that I want to express in this email is that...

Life is amazing and there are unimagined and unexperienced hugs from the Universe waiting for you and me, all around... just calling out for us us, to step into them.

Einstein once said it's important for us to decide whether the Universe is friendly to us, or not because our decision here has a big impact on how we experience the moments of life.

This trip so far, has been a massive reminder to me that the Universe, indeed, is friendly to us.

There are unfulfilled dreams waiting for us to breathe life into them.

There are unfulfilled hearts waiting for us to shine light and meaning and purpose into them, with our example.

There are smiles, moments, laughs, triumphs and adventures waiting to be gathered up and treasured into the pages of the books of our lives that we are writing, moment by moment, day by day, page by page.

What an exciting ride this life can be, when we sit confidently in the drivers seat and grasp the wheel firmly, with strong, well intentioned hands.

I'm so thankful to be experiencing this gift of Maui because it's filling my soul with faith and hope and a rekindling of the magic of life.

It's also causing the dreams of my heart to expand.

What is possible Friend?

For you?

For me?

For us?

For the world around us?

We can choose to be conscious creators, working with the hands of the infinite, to unfold who knows what?

So exciting to think about isn't it Friend?

I see a future of even more prosperity, abundance, goodness, contribution, wealth and freedom.

I see a future of dreams born, nurtured and realized.

I see masses of people breaking chains and unleashing the full light and strength of their souls upon the canvas of life, to create new and beautiful masterpieces.

I see myself wrapping my life's work into the mysteriously divine blanket of freedom filled intentionality...

I'm filled with wonder as I ponder the deep knowing in my heart that you and I can create something great with the precious building blocks of days, weeks, months and years.

If you're in a space where you're ready and willing to embrace and accept more of the divine abundance surrounding us Friend, I'd love to invite you to take a close look at this very unique and special business model.

I've been building businesses from home for over a decade now and you can trust me when I tell you, this is something that has come together in a mysteriously wonderful way to provide an enlightened path to freedom for those special, positive, thankful, high vibration souls - who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

I truly hope that's you Friend, but even if it's not... I hope this email can serve as a reminder... that,

...the Universe is hugging you.

You're cradled in the arms of the infinite, always, in all moments of your life.

Sometimes it's hard to feel the love that surrounds you, other times it's easy...

But the love is always there.

All the best,
