Subject: a common mistake (maybe?)

Great morning Friend,

One mistake, in my opinion, I see some people make, is trying to solve a problem by becoming preachers of the problem.

They seem to think that if only, more people were aware of horrible situation x, situation x would improve.

I read a line in a book one time that made a lot of sense to me. ‘Things are not created by thinking of their opposites.’

I heard that mother Theresa said she would never attend a war rally, but if invited to a peace rally, she’d be among the first to attend.

This resonates with me.

If you’re really against poverty, why not direct your efforts at creating or working on constructive solutions for it?

If you’re against hate, why not be and show and spread love instead?

If you’re opposed to slavery and undue authoritarian control, why not become an expert in being, teaching and living in freedom?

This is not a ‘stick your head in the sand’ philosophy.

It’s more of a ‘notice the mud is there but choose, instead to spend most of your time, looking to and pointing out the stars instead’ philosophy.

I’m optimistic about the future because people are powerful and have infinite potential to affect positive change in themselves and the world around them,

… when we choose to focus on solutions and highlight the good.

Seems to me, this is also a much happier and more productive way to live.

The voice of the Almighty saith, “Up and onward forevermore!” ~Emerson


PS - These are general statements and obviously there are always distinctions to be made in every situation, so no judgement is directed at anyone here. Just sharing some thoughts that have helped me lean into a more positive and productive frame of mind, personally.

PPS - I'm still working on updating my super special bonus package for those who watch this video and decide to get started with me. I spent all day yesterday recording new videos for this bonus package... I shot and uploaded 8 videos... I think this will be the most valuable and helpful bonus package to help people build freedom that I've EVER offered.

And again, so sorry for the wait, but I really want this to be AMAZING. If you decide to get started now, like Burnetta Roberts did just a couple days ago,

You will secure all of these awesome bonuses AND get a head start on building more freedom in your life. You can do that here if you want, right now.   

Make it a great day Friend.. and thank you so much for allowing me some space in your inbox and life.