Subject: ZOINKS we actually did it!!!! 🤯

Friend, brace yourself!

When we started this promotion last week, Mike and I set an intention to help HBA surpass 300K Per month in recurring subscription revenue and look what magically popped up into reality this morning when we woke up.

As I stared at the number just now, I realized something.

When I joined one of my very first direct sales businesses over 10 years ago, I bought the domain name www. 300KToday .com.

What a strange and mysterious feeling, as I think about it.

I've heard mentors over the years say many times, that thoughts become things and that what we think about we bring about, over time.

Maybe this is another example of the truth of those teachings, when we persist.

I really wanted to say "THANK YOU" so much to the entire HBA community for everything everyone has done to pour into making this a place we can all love and continue to create success in.

"Together we can do more."

-Freedom Crusaders Manifesto

Also, thanks so much to all of our new members for having the faith and trust to get started using Emerson AI, and experiencing the value of everything we have.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, people are LOVING our new tool, The Emerson Magic Content Machine!

If you're on my email list, reading these words and wondering if what I'm doing might be able to add value into your life or business...

The good news is, you can STILL get access to Emerson our brand new Artificial Intelligence Magic Content Creation machine, along with BOTH of our subscription products (that we've already sold millions of dollars of) for FREE.

Not only that, but you still have 4 days to join for free, and share this free offer to people who you think might benefit from this, and have ability to grow a nice residual income at the same time, all before you ever pay a penny.

Hot DOG, Hot DIGGITTY Dog, that's exciting, isn't it Friend!?

Not only will you have access to 11 live daily coaching masterminds, we're throwing in a Saturday morning New Members Orientation to help you get started in the VERY best way with proven action steps you can take to step into your better future, maybe a little faster.

Imagine in the future the difference earning $120 residuals for each and every customer referral can make, as you step into further into freedom with a heart centered community to help you, all because you decided to take action on this extremly rare opportunity. 

Simply click here to take an easy peasy, super fun, no risk looksey at how you too, can start using powerful artificial Intelligence to make your business and life easier today.



PS - In my mind, the only thing God could ever expect of us is to do our best. That’s both a relief and a challenge at the same time.

PPS - I just crossed 50,000 views on my new YouTube channel! WAHOOOO!

That's another really cool benefit of making the strong, firm and powerful decision to watch this video, click the red button and fill out the form...

You'll have access to the exact training, masterminding and motivation that's helped me to grow this new channel from zero to 50K views in short order.

You can subscribe to my channel and get notified of every new daily video I post here, and that's 100% free.

I may go live there, here in a few minutes and share some email marketing tips. Stay tuned...