Subject: YES, another joined...766 in + bonuses...

Hey Friend,

I'm headed off to take a nap (yes, I'm a sucker for afternoon naps) & I wanted to keep you in the loop on what's happening in our promo, plus remind you of my special bonuses.

So first, another person decided this app was da bomb, and decided to get started since my last email.

That means we're now up to 766 active members, 1,086 total users (because each paid account can share with up to 7 family members for FREE), and Mr. Joseph Rodriguez makes the 87th member to join me! YIPPEEEE!

Thank you Joseph and everyone else who's joined so far!

Not only did Joseph Rodriguez get started (welcome Joseph) he also sent me an email requesting my exclusive 'Let's Goal' bonus package.

Man, I'd almost forgotten about those Friend.

So here's the lowdown...

If you decide to get started with this before tomorrow at midnight and use the coupon code '40off' - not only will you get access to ALL the Let's Goal app features for a 40% discount... (meaning, you can pick it up for a whopping 6 bucks)

You'll also get my 2 special valuable bonuses.

Bonus 1 - Emails That Sell

The exact email sequences that produced over 500 new customers in 2 weeks, along with 7 tips to help you use these for your business.

Yes, I wrote these emails and used them to help over 500 people decide to get started with Let's Goal in our private, internal, pre-public product release.

Yours free when you decide to invest in this app for yourself.

Bonus 2 - A.I. Superprompts For Marketers

Includes exact copy/paste versions of 3 prompts I crafted my self to help me save time in my daily marketing.

*The Mr. Beast Thumbnail Superprompt 

*The Headline Guru Superprompt

*The Infinite Headline Super Prompt

The first one gets awesome video thumbnail images for a youtube videos in seconds, crafted in the style of the world's most famous and successful YouTuber, Mr. Beast.

And the next 2 help you find KILLER headlines for emails, youtube videos, products, bonuses and really, anything else you create online.

I use these prompts myself, often and even used them to find the headline for our magical morning app presentation page here.

So there ya have it Friend, my shameless attempt to 'go the extra mile' with this product offer and deliver more to you in use value, than you give me in cash value.

(The product itself does this, by the way, but it never hurts to add in a bonus or 2, just for good measure).

All you have to do to get this bonuses is...

  1. Learn about this product here, to be sure you like it, want it and will use it.

  2. Click the Red "Get Started" button below the video and fill out the form with the coupon code '40off'

  3. Send an email to me at and let me know you purchased and would like access to the bonuses.

That's when I get to hook you up with the extra goodies and shout you out in a future email. :-)

Ok, it's nap time.

I hope by the time I wake up, you've made a decision, one way or another.

And if your decision is "Yes", I'd suggest just filling out the form ASAP, so you can get it out of the way now, versus waiting all the way to the last minute deadline tomorrow night.

Thanks for reading and talk more soon,


PS: Here's the full list of everyone who's taken me up on this offer so far, since we made it available a few weeks ago...

Gregory Lukasik

Josh Schonert

Susan Rader

Gregory Napier

Will Santiago

Larry Coates


Lonny Hogan

Nihat Rehmani

Richard Hairston

John Hicks

Arnita Webb

Lonny Hogan

Troy Andersen

Gus Kamassah

Brenda McEwan

Kevin Knecht

Francisco Hernandez

Mike Rife

Robin Williams


Jim and Kristi Hall

Anthony Sama

Todd Geese

John Vanderpool

Andrew Pier

John Hutcherson

Personal Power Consulting

Amy Starr Allen

Brandon Falter

Jona Howe

Bobby Mitchell

Winnie M Peric

Debbie-Jane Harris

Trav Reagan

Bear Bangs

Elizabeth Willis


Rochelle Capers

Jen Moore

Todd Donnelly

Earl Zwissler

Dave Grosz

Wolfgang Kern

jona howe

Bob Ward

Deb Engelhart

Jerry Goldsmith

Jessie Jenkins

sotiris bassakaropoulos

Stephanie Liell


Pas Simpson

Bryanna Black

Angela Johnson

Inkwon Jung

Gary Singh

Larry Coates

Felix Fegurgur

Tracey Russell

Valeri Byrd

Elizabeth Rice Founder

Van Cayton

Bill Moist

Alison Franklin

Dirk van Waasbergen

Robert Fore

Mike Rife

Mike Hobbs

Brandon Falter

Nelson Kung

Andrew Narehood

Frank Teshima

Dan Snell

Lorenzo Rothery

Gary Norris

Susan Beesley

Netherda Lori

Pam Wallace

Bronwen Oehlschlager

Joseph Bradley

Dr. Jim Emerson

Lindy Sweeney

Tyler Morgan

Rob Skinner

Joseph Rodriguez

Quite a list right Friend?

You can add your name to it here, if you want.

PPS: I told my friend Ray about our company months ago, and recently he decided to join this app. After that, he learned all about our community and other products and this is what he told me today.

In other words Friend, if you feel this calling to you at all, Ray might say "Jump on in, the waters warm!" :-)