Subject: Wow. 561 Joined Friend... (+ a quick lesson)

Holy Smokes Friend,

We just finished up the internal release of that new product I've been hinting at in my emails for the last few weeks and it was a smashing hit!

In fact, 561 people joined in less than 2 weeks and that was all without one on one conversations or personal sales & closing.

When I first got started in home business, a team (downline) of over 500 people was a dream. Today my mind is stretched as to what can be accomplished in so little time, when you have trust in the market and something truly good to offer.

Anyway, I'll tell you more about this soon. If you want to get a little head start, I'll post a link down below to a brand new gift we put together that can be sort of a loop hole for you to find out about this little gem, early on, before everyone else does.

OK, on to the lesson.

One of our new members asked us today "What rules do you guys have for promotion?"

As a freedom crusader, we typically don't love rules.. ;-) We generally just strive to help and not hurt. Sometimes you realize that things you were doing that you thought were helping were actually hurting people.

One of these for me, in my former days, was flashing cash and income screenshots and earnings reports everywhere.

Nowadays, I never do that. It just doesn't resonate with me anymore. Plus, I've discovered that it's not even necessary.

Why does this not resonate with me anymore and what's the problem with showing personal earnings screenshots all the time?

Here's one...

There seem to be 2 intentions behind showing people how much money you're earning.

First, to demonstrate credibility


Second, to give the impression that if someone joins, they can earn what you're earning.

As far as credibility goes, there are MANY ways to build credibility without showing how much money you're making all the time so is it possible to use those other ways and create a better experience for the people in your circle?

My answer is YES!

That being said, credibility is important and so is there anything wrong with showing personal earnings as a way to demonstrate credibility?

Probably not, as long as you have them and you use an earnings disclaimer. Now if you do this too much, it can easily slip over into bragging or boasting and that's a repelling quality, not an attractive one .

It's really the 2nd intention behind flashing cash, that we find the BIGGEST problem.

"Giving the impression that if someone buys, or follows you, that they too can earn the money that you earn."

What's the problem with that, you might ask. Don't we believe that everyone can succeed?

Yes, but - we can't guarantee anyone any specific monetary number.


Because the variables are WAY too many and most of them are completely outside our ability to control or influence.

How much money a person earns is very personally related to each individual.

Dedication, vision, focus, work ethic, skill level, learning ability, persistence quotient, on and on and on...

And so, telling someone - or leading someone to believe that they will earn the same income as you, simply by joining or buying whatever your selling...

Is a lie, each and every time.

Some will earn less and others may earn more but the fact is, you can't promise any of their results.

Only they can promise them their results.

So from a trust standpoint, if you tell someone you're going to deliver something to them, like $10,000 a month, and then you don't deliver that...

How do they feel?

That's right, like you lied to them at worst, and at best, you didn't give them what you said you'd give them.

Neither one of those is a good outcome.

So instead of saying things like...

"I've made a million bucks and can show you how you can make a million bucks too."

You can say things like... "My mission is to teach you the lessons that helped me to create freedom in my life and my goal is to help you move closer to freedom too."

The distinction is subtle but important.

In the first line I'm promising something that I have no way of delivering.

In the 2nd, I'm promising something that I can absolutely deliver.

"My best lessons that have helped me to create freedom and that have the chance of helping others to create more freedom and prosperity too."

Promise A: $10,000 a month.

Promise B: Proven lessons that can help others create more freedom and prosperity in their lives.

Both of them have the effect of drawing people to us with a benefit, but only one of those can build trust within the highest number of people,

...because in only one of them am I making a promise I can keep.

When you keep your promises, people trust you and you build influence.

So I guess it really boils down to this.

It's not that I'm against sharing personal income results, it's more like, I'm against promising people things that I can't deliver.

Hope that makes sense and helps you in your messaging.

Oh, and of course the other HUGE benefit from choosing the other option over personal income results is that even brand new people, with ZERO results can speak in a way that attracts.

I think that's pretty cool.

Anyway, just a little nugget that was on my mind today and wanted to share.

Hope you're doing well and that you have an awesome weekend!

Thanks for reading, and whatever you do, always go for your dreams!


PS: Here's the link to check out the free training I mentioned above. It's called The Magical Morning Formula™ and includes a brand new book I put together 'The Little Book of Magic'.

If you watch the video training all the way to the end, that's how you can learn about the little goldmine of a product we released internally this last week. The one that 561 people saw, loved and took action on.

Have a great weekend Friend!