Subject: Why We Want You To Be Rich - 7 Golden Nuggets For Friend...

Hope you're having a TERRIFIC Tuesday so far Friend.

This morning I read chapter 1 of a financial book written by Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki back in 2008.

It's called "Why We Want You To Be Rich!"

I wanted to pass along my top 7 takeways from my reading in the hopes they can also be beneficial to you along your freedom journey, as we continue to learn, grow and make better decisions.

Covered in today's show...

  • The 4 stages of history and how the wealth and power was divided, in these respective periods. They say, history repeats itself, and if that's true - knowing these 4 phases seems to me, to be wise .

  • What's happening to the middle class and what we might to to prevent it's demise (at least for our own situtions).

  • The secret to finding GOLD inside the mind of a wealthy person... (most people are distracted by illusions and delusions here).

  • The Mystical Money Mind Connection

  • How To Unlock The Near Infinite Array Of Opportunities Surrounding Each Of Us, All The Time.

  • How To Spot Financial Fakes In Suits So You Can Make Even Better Decisions Reguarding Money

  • Why Uncle Sam Is In Bad Shape To Save Us From A Fast Changing World

  • All this, and more - in today's episode.

I truly hope it adds value to your life and freedom journey.

All the best,

Paul Hutchings