Subject: What do you do when you feel like you are self-sabotaging your results?

Friend, that's a question that was posted in our Grow Rich mastermind group yesterday from a lady I'd never met.

After reading the rest of her sincere question, I felt inspired to stop and share some ideas, from my heart to hers.

After she read my response, she posted...

"WOW Paul, this warms my heart to read your wise and kind words. Thank you so much for your insightfulness and practical tips for me to do. I am grateful beyond words.

Thank you for taking the time to write this, the encouragement you provide and the support I feel from you. Much gratitude."

This made me feel SOOOOO good!

No pitch, no product offered, no sales presentation, no money exchanged hands... Just one person helping another... "Soul Pay"

At the end of my day yesterday, this was one of the things I wrote about in my journal that made me feel like I had 'done something good in the world today' and I slept well knowing I'd been of service to someone, without asking for or expecting anything in return.

Bob Marley said 'Some people are so poor, all they have is money' and Napoleon Hill said 'If money is all you have in your paycheck at the end of the week, you have been grossly underpaid.'

We humans need MORE than money to feel valuable and satisfied in life. I think this is true for ANY type of job and ANY type of business.

I think we're all here on this planet to learn to help each other, love each other and be of service to each other.

If that's not happening, you can be all 'filled up' on the outside and empty inside.

Anyway, just wanted to pass this along as a reminder for all of us to look for those little chances we ALL have to shine some light into someone's life in our days.

There are SO many ways to do this and SO many opportunities all around us where we can lift someone up, speak a kind word, ask a sincere question where we give someone a listening ear, give a compliment, make a connection, so on and so forth.

"Life is the question, love is the answer."

Thanks for reading and hope you have an awesome weekend!


PS: If you'd like to read the full question this lady posted, along with my full answer, you're welcome to join our mastermind group here.

There's no charge for it, we have TONS of inspiring and education content inside and some of the most positive, uplifting people in the world you can meet to help you stay inspired in life and business.

If you do join the group, just scroll down a bit to find the post I talked about in this email.

ALSO: While you're in there, I encourage you to check the pinned posts at the top to learn how to get the most value from our group along with some free resources to help you along your journey to freedom and beyond. ;-)

Have an awesome weekend Friend.