Hey Friend,

I have a serious question for you.

What did one ghost say to the other ghost?

Dude, I’m sick & tired of your sheet!

To which he heard, ‘stop talkin’ sheet to me bro! I don’t take no sheet from no one!’

A monster who was walking by, happened to overhear the conversation and said to him self,

“What a sheet show. This is exactly why I teach my little monster kiddos to never eat ghost.

They are so full of sheet!

Ha ha...

I know, goofy humor. Hey, I've got kids - cut me some slack and I hope you got a laugh. :-)

Keep smiling and if you're not smiling yet, try to remember what The Bible says..

'Got hath made me to laugh so that all that hear will laugh with me.'

(True story, Genesis 21:6 - Fact checkers confirmed)

All the best,


PS - This random patch of attempted humor was inspired by our coaching mastermind today. Yes, we try to have fun and make money at the same time. I recommend it. :-) Someone asked a team member today... "Holy SMOKES, you get $120 residuals for every customer you refer? What do you get with that?" So I recorded this little 12 minute video to explain. Check it out if you're curious.