Subject: Weekly Free Home Biz Sales & Marketing Training

Happy Freedom Friday Friend!

I just posted my free, weekly home biz sales & marketing training.

In this weeks video I share...

  • 2 hidden forms of home business slavery that are so tricky they can really 'getchya' if you're not careful, even with the best of intentions...

  • A cheaper way to sent bulk text messages,

  • A Real life example of 'The Takeaway Close' that resulted in an instant sale this week, and

  • 2 things that are better than money.

The last bit is some inspiration that can help anyone learn how to have infinite lifetime motivation.

This is useful for staying motivated even after you have all the money you want, and it's also useful for staying motivated and fulfilled before you have all the money you want.

You can watch the training for free, here.

I sincerely hope it's helpful to you on your journey and please feel free to leave me your thoughts and insights down below the video.

All the best!


PS - This morning's Grow Rich Mastermind call was pretty lit (as my kid's would say) :-) The replay will be up for free all weekend long. You can catch that at 712-432-0990 Access 565762#

PPS -  I totally forgot to include a call to action in my video but oh well. If you want to learn more about what we're doing just email me back and I'll happily get you a link. I just checked the back office this morning and was a bit surprised to see how much our company's monthly revenue has grown in just the last few days.

We must be doing something right. Timing is amazing right now and we seem to be hitting momentum. If timing is good for you to add another income stream or you're looking for a better way to generate leads and market more of what you're selling.. Email me back and I'll send some info.

Until then, or next time... Keep on rocking in the free world Friend! and never let ANYONE steal your dream!