Subject: We just crossed 5 million paid! WAHOOOO!

Hey Friend,

Just had to share this.

We reached a new milestone in HBA and crossed over 5 million dollars paid to affiliates.

I'm so happy and thankful for this. It wouldn't have been possible without so many people pouring their hearts, minds and talents into the vision of Freedom, Through Principle Centered Leadership.

That includes you Friend, even if you're not part of our company because the fact that you're an active subscriber on my email list, gives me someone to serve and strive to help, which inspires me to keep going every day.


I did record a new video today called "Top 2 Ways To Magnetize Your Mind For Success" and you can watch it here if you would like to know the 2 main strategies for switching your thoughts from "Disempowering" to "Empowering."

Also, we finished up the main presentation for that secret new project I've been telling you about for the last couple weeks so technically, I can tell you about it now.

If you want me to send you the link so you can see what I've been hinting at...

Just reply to this email with the word "Yes" and I'll send it over.

Thanks again for being a valued subscriber and for letting me send you emails every day in an effort to add some value to your life.

In deep grattitude,
