Subject: We Unleashed The Kraken!

Hey Friend,

On my way to a school board lunch today I called my business partner Mike and we were marveling about how we had just sent an email that was going out to enough people to equal or surpass the size of a small city.

That, in combination with the irresistible offer we have happening right now, caused Mike to say...

"We've unleashed the Kraken!"

I burst out into laughter as I agreed with him completely.

From the time I clicked "Send" on that email, to now has been about an hour.

Let me show you what happened.

I told people in the email that we'd done a couple things that were increasing our residuals by thousands of dollars per day and then showed them proof.

Now I must admit Friend, I thought an increase of $6,000 per month in 2 days was pretty impressive.

Then I got home after sending that last email an hour ago and saw this...

ANOTHER increase of $3,000 monthly recurring revenue, 60 minutes!

Yes indeed, Friend, it does appear that we have, in fact, unleashed the kraken.

I have a feeling the next week and a half is going to be quite a ride.

I'd love to invite you to speed along on the road to freedom and beyond with us, if this is something you can get excited about too.
