Subject: Transformation Challenge Coming (You in Friend?)

Hey Friend

Hope your Monday is off to a great start.   

I wanted to give you a quick heads up about something coming this week (not a business or a product) that you might want to pay attention to and maybe even get ready for.   

One of the biggest transformations of my life happened just a couple years ago and it's related to this thing I'm about to tell you about.  

I was at a spot in my life where I had picked up some extra weight along with some less than ideal eating habits.  

For most of my life I've weighed around 165 lbs or so. 

I had somehow ballooned all the way to 200 lbs and was feeling low on energy, not happy with how I looked and even my self esteem was suffering a bit.  

Then one day, the thing I'm about to introduce you to, showed up in my life and I had a total transformation.  

They say a picture speaks a thousand words so here you go...

You can see in the photo that I went from chipmunk chubby cheeks, big gulp soda in hand to six pack photo shoot ready for our trip to Hawaii.  

I haven't even told you the best parts yet Friend.  

Not only did I lose the weight but I've kept it all off now for over 2 years and this all happened in less than 90 days from being introduced to this thing I'm about to tell you about.  

Even more exciting was the fact that as my body changed, my bank account changed as well.  

As I was feeling better I noticed I was doing better in other areas of my life.  

Not long after this transformation I was able to buy my dream car and pay cash for it.  (I'd been dreaming about this purchase for 6 years of my life).  

Since we're talking about transformation here, I'll include a picture of the car I used to drive along with my new dream car in the pic. 

Pretty cool right?  

These pictures remind me that we as people, absolutely can change and transform sometimes even faster than we might realize.  

So what's this thing I've been alluding to that helped me to make such a huge change in my life?  

It's called The Trinity Transformation Challenge, and it's something we've done every year now for several years to help ourselves and others create real change in a short amount of time.  

I'm not going to give you all the details today (stay tuned to your inbox for more this week) but I DID want to give you a little bit of info because if this is something you want to participate in, it will require a little preparation.  

What kind of preparation you might ask?  

Simply give yourself an accurate snapshot of where you are right now in life.   

Our challenge will focus mainly on health and business so here are some things you could take a snapshot of.  

  • Current weight 

  • Current income 

  • Current measurements 

  • Current net worth 

  • Current strength levels 

  • Current number of customers in your business 

  • Current debt levels 

  • Current amount of cash savings

  • You could even take some pictures to document

There's no perfect way to do this but the point is, in order to go somewhere better it's important to get a grasp on where you're at right now.  

Furthermore, we'll be offering some prizes for those who create the greatest transformation during the challenge time period and so if you want to be in the running for those, you'll need to have some evidence of where you started vs where you end up.  

Even if you don't end up participating fully in the challenge, getting a crystal clear picture of your current life situation can be one of the most powerful catalysts for change so I want to really encourage you to spend some time this week thinking about this and gathering some data, if you're open that is.  :-)  

All right, that's it.  Nothing to buy and nothing else to do.  

A little bit of homework here can go a long way.   

Once again, stay tuned for the rest of the details coming later this week.  

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams. 


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PS: "All disciplines affect one another." -Jim Rohn