Subject: Top YouTube Ranking & A.I. Automations Galore...

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah zip-a-dee-a
My oh my, what a wonderful day Friend!

I'm feeling a bit frisky this morning because I'm excited.

I'm excited about that little secret I've been telling you about that I'm getting VERY close to being able to spill the beans on.

But I'm also excited because my passion for online marketing is being re-ignited, thanks to A.I.

I mean, let's be honest... I'll ALWAYS be excited about the potential of the internet because it was my door to freedom.

That being said, when you find yourself doing the same thing, over and over and over again for 15 years, you can find yourself feeling a little ho hum about it all.

That's changing for me, thanks to the new and exciting field of artificial intelligience.

It's not going to give me (and you) superpowers, it already HAS given us superpowers.

I just published a new YouTube video that was created in partnership with artificial intelligience.

And it's already LIVE and highly visible online.

Check it out..

Not too shabby eh?

And it's not some completely push button, robot voice, lame attempt at unlimited automation.

It's a quality video that was created by me in partnership with many levels of A.I.

Why is this exciting?

Because it's making my daily tasks a WHOLE lot easier, funner and more exciting because they're filled with a whole new world of adventure.

Anyway, I wanted to just run you through how this video was created to give you an idea of what's now possible with content creation, lead generation & residual income automation in the wild & crazy door of 2024.

If the rest of this email can't give you at least one useful idea for your business, you can butter my biscuit and call me a doughnut.

You ready Friend?

Ok, let's do this.

  • Keyword Idea - Paul

  • Blog Intro - A.I.

  • Blog Image - A.I 

  • Blog Post reasearch & content - Mostly A.I. with a little bit of Paul scattered in

  • Blog post outro - Mostly A.I. with a slight sprinkle of Paul

  • Video Transcription & captions - A.I. 

  • Break state zoom & transition portions of the video - a tool called descript that has A.I.

  • YouTube Headline - A.I. with Paul's instructions

  • YouTube video description - A.I. with ever so slight edits

  • YouTube Keyword Tabs - A.I.

  • And the grand finale, the YouTube Thumbnail - A.I. with one small edit by Paul using yet another A.I.

Check out this image.

I dunno, I think that's pretty slick and pops WAY more than any other thumbnail I ever created.

Ok, so if you're intrigued, here's a quick rundown of the tools I used.

First, I used a combination of ChatGPT, Google Bard and Microsoft co-pilot to come up with the blog post.

Bard and co-pilot are free and if you're a premium member of HBA, you can access the same A.I. at ChatGPT without having to pay for it by using our Emerson Magic Content Creator inside our premium members area.

Reguardless, the point is each of those 3 tools came back with something a little different and special and I ended up using the content from all of them to make the post.

For the blog post image I used Canva's Magic studio.

Then, I grabbed the main bullet points of the blog post and used that to shoot my video.

I uploaded the video to Descript which is an online video editing platform that has made my life SOOO much easier.

Here A.I. will auto transcribe the video, add SUPER slick captions, allow you to easily cut out parts of the video you don't love and add break state scenes by zooming in an out on the video.

Ok, next is uploading the video to YouTube.

I used ChatGPT (I'm on the $20 monthly membership, but you can access the same tech in our members area with emerson) and I asked it to create me 11 headline variations. Or, you can use Bard or co-pilot for free.

I picked my favorite headline making sure to keep the O.G. keyword inside.


Then I asked it to compose me a youtube description, being sure to tell it what I wanted in it.

Push button, done. (with slight edits of course)

Now for the grand finale.

Could it possibly generate a YouTube thumbnail image for me?

I decided to give it a try.

If you didn't know, the $20 chatgpt subscription is integrated with Open AI's image generater called Dall-E.

So I gave it a run.

I was astounded by the output, with one small exception.

For some reason A.I. spells like a 5th grader when it comes to images.

No fear, another A.I. to the rescue.

I uploaded that image to Canva's magic studio and used their "Grab Text" button. It highlights all the text in the image and gives you editable text boxes so you can fix the mis-pellings.

And that's it!

There was SOOO much in this process that I normally would have had to do with painstaking mental power and time.

I've had the sense for a while that the best use of A.I. - at least for now in the home business game, will be some combination of you + A.I.

This is proving to be the case.

It's not a push button, one and done, now you're rich type of thing...

BUT - It feels like it gives you SUPER POWERS with the time saving aspects, as well as the quality of output that you can sharpen just a tad to make great.

We're entering a new age Friend.

In fact, I heard Elon Musk say last night that he's NEVER seen a technology advance as fast as A.I. is advancing.

To put some numbers to it, he said that the amount of computing power being dedicated to A.I. is 10 Xing every 6 months.

I don't think there's ever been a more interesting or exciting time to be an online marketer.

Did this email give you at least 1 useful idea?

I hope so and feel free to hit reply and let me know.

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams.

Peace out,


PS - I'm live, along with my other successful online marketing friends every day - Monday through Friday in our premium coaching mastermind.

I believe our platform is the safest, and most ethically lucrative place to learn and earn with online marketing.

You can get started here for just $25.  

This gives you access to all of our archived training modules so you can learn on your time.

It also gives you access to our live group coaching so you can get live coaching and feedback and see what we're doing every day, to help people move toward more freedom.

Till next time Friend!