Subject: Top 7 Mistakes Made By Home Business Owners...

Hey Friend,

You know what? We all make mistakes, especially when we're starting something new. But here's the deal: Mistakes are just stepping stones to success!

Today, I want to share with you the top 7 mistakes made by beginner network and affiliate marketers, so you can learn from them and create the success you want to create even faster.

One:  Not having a clear goal: Remember, "A goal without a plan is just a wish." Know where you're headed, and create a roadmap to get there!

Two: Trying to do it all alone: Don't be a lone wolf. Connect with mentors, join communities, and learn from the pros. Like one of my old mentors used to say, "It is more powerful to be unified than it is to be right." My friend Peter says "A rising tide raises all ships."

Even Napoleon Hill wrote that Cooperation is one of the key laws of success. It's been my experience that successful people truly want to help others win, so be sure and surround yourself with people will breathe life into you.

Three:  Focusing on quantity over quality: Instead of trying to sell to everyone, focus on building relationships and providing real value to your target audience. I once heard another 7 figured mentor say one time at an event "If you're selling to everyone, you're selling to no one."

Four:  Ignoring personal branding: Be genuine and let your unique personality shine through. People connect with people, not faceless businesses. I like what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, something to the affect that your brand is nothing more than the shadow of who you truly are on the inside. Let your light shine!

Five:  Not embracing failure and giving yourself the space to grow. A hard lesson to learn for me, and many others is that failure IS the way. We are taught in school that failing is bad, but in life and business - failing is one HUGE way we learn from reality and move forward in better ways the next time. In fact, Napoleon Hill wrote an entire chapter in his book The Laws Of Success, detailing Failure as one of the laws. Weird right?

Six:  Giving up too soon: Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is your business. Embrace the sublime rebellion, and keep moving forward! My first year in home business I made zero dollars. The next few weren't much better. It took me 5 YEARS to reach my first $3K per month in residual income. Now I'm fully retired. If there's one thing I believe to be true deep down to the depths of my soul it's that persistence is TRULY a magical power.

Seven:  Overlooking self-improvement: Invest in yourself! Read books, attend seminars, and never stop growing. A better you = a better business. Jim Rohn taught me early on "Learn to work harder on yourself than you do on your business." So many people in home business, seem to have this backwards. They work so hard on promotion, traffic, leads, invitations etc... but forget that the better THEY get, the better all of this other stuff works.

Remember the old phrase from Abraham Lincoln where he said "Don't believe everything you read on the internet." ha ha.. just kidding.. that's not the one - He said... "If I had 7 hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first 4 sharpening the axe." (or something like that) - you get the point right?

And there you have it, Friend Keep these tips in mind as you continue the journey, and you'll be well on your way to realizing your dream and fulfilling your purpose in life.

And remember, it's always darkest before the dawn. So, if the going gets tough, keep pushing forward, and let your inner light guide you forward.

To your success,



PS: “The Sublime Rebellion” is the title to a new blog post I published last week. You can check it out here if you want.

PPS: One of the reasons we designed our compensation plan to pay 80% commissions is because we truly want to help people be free as fast as possible. One of the huge breakthroughs I had on my journey was learning to earn higher residual commissions for the sales I made and that made it so, I could reach my residual goals, much, much faster.

If this makes sense to you, I'd love to encourage you to read through all of the information on this page, to see if what we've put together might be able to help you reach your freedom goal sooner too.

Feel free to shoot me an email back if you have any questions and reguardless, thanks for reading and always go for your dreams!