Subject: Top 3 (Little-Known) Tips For More Sales, When Inviting For Your Home Business

Hey Friend!

Hope you're having an amazing day so far.

So something cool recently happened that has a little bit of a lesson with it and I wanted to pass it along to you in today's email.

The other day, I was running on my treadmill and my phone rang.

I looked down and saw on the caller ID that it was a local radio station.

I had a hunch that they were calling to inform me that I had won concert tickets to our local fair because my wife is a notorious winner of drawings and she likes to enter me in stuff like this.

I slowed down the treadmill, answered the phone and sure enough - I heard a rich and deep radio announcer voice say to me...

Are you feeling fancy?


Well, Fancy is not often the word I use to describe my feelings, that being said - I knew that they were calling to let me know that I'd won the Fancy Prize package, which included 2 VIP tickets to Walker Hayes, so ....

In my most manly voice, I replied...

"Oh boy, am I EVER feeling fancy.... "

Anyway, we had a cool interaction and as I've thought about how it all went down, I realized that there was something about the way I responded to that call, that has been VERY helpful to me over the years in

  • Attracting people to me and my business

  • Having FUN

  • Feeling good

  • And yes, oh yes, closing a TON more sales

That's why I decided to make this little video for you to share these "Little Known Tips For Closing More Sales In Your Home Business."

You're welcome to click this link and watch the video now to pick up the tips or you can click on the thumbnail image below and that will take you to the gold too.

I call these "Little Known Tips" because the truth is, most of the training I went through in all of the businesses I built over the years, left OUT the fact, that I could be a gift giver in all of my interactions and that this would help increase sales over the long term.

These are little things I picked up from talking with lots and lots and lots of people and noticing what seemed to work in helping people to feel good around me.

I hope they can help you too Friend, on your path to freedom - and beyond,

All the best,

Paul Hutchings

PS: I wanted to give a HUGE congratuations to Nadia Fredericks, who recently watched our business overview, got started, followed the training and ALREADY made her first sale.


So proud of Nadia and thankful for yet another example that our business and systemetized training process flat out WORKS for helping people make sales and grow residual income online.

If you're curious to see if what we have can be a door to YOUR better future, Friend, I'd love to invite you to watch this brand new overview we just pushed live a week or so ago.

It's my true belief that, after 2 decades of building businesses from home, what we have can be a HUGE shortcut and pain eliminator for SO MANY PEOPLE.

You can also watch this recording of a live training we did last saturday, that lists out many of the common pits that people tend to fall into, on their way to freedom from home.

Even if you watch and don't decide to join, just making yourself aware of these very common problems can help you avoid so much pain and heartache on your road to freedom.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it. :-)