Subject: Top 11 Hard Hitting Health Truths

Happy Friend!

Hope ya had an awesome weekend.

Since today is the first day of our Trinity Challenge, AND - because I was inspired by some of the content I've seen a few of our participants creating around health...

I figured I'd make a short video sharing my Top 11 Hard Hitting Health Lessons.

After all, when I got to thinking about it... I started lifting in high school over 30 years ago. Geez... the time flies.

This video is under 90 seconds (facebook made me shorten it) and has some great tips for fitness that might just motivate you to ramp up your fitness game.

Here's the direct link.

And hey, there's still plenty of time to join our challenge if boosting health, wealth and wisdom is of interest to you.

You can learn all about it here.

Hope you make it an awesome day and thanks for staying subscribed to my email list.

With love & Gratitude,
