Subject: This KILLS Analysis Paralysis

Hey Friend,

Have you ever found yourself feeling stuck, lost and confused in your business?

So many things you COULD do to grow your business that you find yourself sketching out all the details in such meticulous fashion that you suddenly feel stress because you realize there's so much to do that you don't know what to do?

If so, you're in good company. I found myself in this spot here over the last week.

Finally, I realized that I just needed to take action on what I already knew how to do and figure everything else out along the way.

We all know how to do something.

We can't let the something we know how to do, sit there and waste away while we're dreaming of all the newer and better things we could do.

Anyway, that's what i did to fix myself.

I just started taking massive action and you know what Friend?

I feel SOOO much better.

I'm learning, I'm moving, more ideas are coming and I have a feeling that it's all gonna work out just fine.

(I was not feeling like this a few days ago btw).

So, I wanted to pass along this little antidote I found for my self induced psychosis in the hopes that it can help you too.

An old quote I love says "God cannot guide an anchored ship."

It's usually the case, in my experience that guidance comes when we're doing what we can with what we have available to us.

Anyway, that's my little note to you today.

Thanks for reading,


PS : In the past couple days I've written 3 new blog posts and created, edited and published 2 new YouTube videos.

It feels GREAT! :-)

Today's post was about a little app you may have heard me talk about before, and will probably hear me talk about again because it's helped me add 25 lbs to my bench press max, get 6 pack abs (even though my kids thought it was impossible at my age, TAKE THAT YOU LITTLE SUCKAS!

...and YES, even get a new dream car that farts)... video inside the post.

Seriously though, I love this app and wanted to create this post to share a little with you on how it might be able to be a blessing to your life too.

I also reviewed a new AI Video Cloning tool... more on that here.

Lastly, I wrote a little post on how I put my blog page speed on steroids so the pages are now loading lightning fast.

I dunno if blogging is dead or bout to be dead thanks to A.I. but I'm gonna run with it for a while and see what happens.

If you have a blog (or want one) this post on page speed is a valuable little gem.