Subject: The system is out to get you Friend...


What if slavery had not been abolished but instead underwent a transformation?

Imagine a scenario where, slavery was universal and ever-present but remained hidden and unrecognizable.

People could be walking around thinking, speaking, and behaving as if they were free, all the while living within a system of slavery that they didn’t even know existed.

Would you wanna take the red pill or the blue pill to discover what’s really going on?

The goal of this post, is to be a bit of a red pill for those who decide to take it seriously and pay attention.

If you’re already familiar with some of this information, it can serve as a great review and help stoke the fire of freedom within you.

If this is new to you, it has the potential to flip your worldview upside down. This can be disconcerting at first but incredibly empowering after you see reality for what it is.

You can choose to take the red pill by reading this post on my blog...

To Freedom - and beyond,

Paul Hutchings

PS: 'Debt is the slavery of the free.' - Publilius Syrus