Subject: The Wealth Choice (most don't know this)

Hey Friend,

This last week my wife heard someone say...

"I realized long ago that I had to choose between wealth and family, and I chose family."

I know others personally who have expressed this same philosophy.

Do you know anyone who's made this same decision?

I'm not here to judge anyone for this type of thinking and I don't believe there is any 'perfectly right' way to do life.

I don't think my way is better and I don't think my way is for everyone.

That being said, I do have a different belief and it's made a huge difference in my ability to create wealth and have a pretty great relationship with my wife & kids where I've been able to spend lots and lots of time with them.

It boils down to 2 things I learned years ago and maybe, if more people knew these 2 things, they might not decide to give up on creating freedom and prosperity.

The first one comes from a book I read called "Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind by T Harv Eker" (great book by the way.)

In that book the author writes...

"Poor people think in terms of either/or, wealthy people think in terms of and."

Is it possible that you could create wealth AND have a great family?

My reality is that it is but it started with shifting my belief to a space where I don't have to give up one good thing in order to have another.

This is so important.

The 2nd idea or principle, that I think could make a difference for a lot of people, revolves around a simple concept that wealthy people use to create income that others do not use.

I learned it from a mentor in my very first home business back in 2005 and it's guided my thinking and wealth building activities ever since.

Cool thing about this 2nd idea, is - with the advancement of technology, it's getting easier and easier for more and more people to apply this principle in their wealth creation activities.

I explained it well on today's edition of The Grow Rich Mastermind.

If you decide to listen, you can pick up this 2nd crucial principle AND a bunch of other great ideas to help you magnetize your mind for money, freedom and great relationships.

The replay is also available from your phone by dialing 712-432-0990 Access: 565762#.

If you listen, see if you can find that 2nd big idea I hinted to above (it starts with an L).

This last week I was talking to my son Camden, and he was telling me his idea for earning $1,500 a day as a Junior in High School.

His brother and his cousin laughed at him and told him there was no way he could do that.

As he explained his plan to me, I could see clearly that he understood this 2nd wealth creation idea, and therefor I told him his plan was solid and that I believed he could do it.

I also told him that when he finally decides to read the book Think and Grow Rich, he'll see his brother and his cousin on one of the pages of the book.

It's the part where Napoleon Hill says "Most people are obsessed with all the reasons a plan won't work while a select few, are focused more on the reasons it will."

Anyway, I hope this email finds you well and that today's replay can be a blessing to your journey.

Thanks for reading and wish you the best!


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