Subject: The Ultimate Identity

Hey Friend,

Happy Monday. Hope you had a great weekend.

In today's message, I want to share with you one of the most valuable and profitible pieces of advice ever!

(At least I think it is...)

If you've been reading my emails, you'll know that last week a subscriber sent me an email that's been bugging me a bit.

It's been bugging because, in the email, he attempted to place me in a bucket by giving me a label.

Short version: I had written an email about something I had learned in the Bible and he responded in anger, telling me that he wasn't a 'republican' or a 'Christian' and didn't want my B.S. in his inbox.

This interaction gave me a valuable insight and also sparked a train of thought that leads to what I'm calling The Ultimate Identity.

First, The insight: This subscriber was a bit close minded and I wrote about that. One of my subscribers, Lindy, responded with this...

I love that definition and it seems, from this description, that higher intelligience can be as simple as a choice to be open minded.

Ok, that part was review. Let's move onto the profitible insight.

Why was what that closed-minded subscriber wrote bugging me?

After thinking about it a while, it hit me like a Eureka moment!

It was because he gave me a label, and I don't like to be labeled.

Do I identify with this group or that group?

It all depends on how you might define this group or that group.

We all, sometimes allow words, to define us and thereby define our perception of who we think we are.


I'm a dad.

I'm a mom.

I'm an entrepreneur.

I'm this political group or that political group...

We have to be super careful about these 'identity' level words because they carry a whole host of beliefs, values and actions right along with them.

As I was thinking about this over the weekend I was asking myself...

If I had to choose a 'label' to be identified with, what would it be?

If you know me, you might guess 'freedom crusader.'

And yes, I love that title and identify with it, however that's not the one that kept bubbling up for me.

So what is it then?

The more I thought about this particular lable, the more I realized how powerful it could be for all the people of the world to adopt this label.

Ok, enough teasing...

Drumroll please....

(Have you guessed it yet Friend?)

No worries if not, I'm gonna give it to ya....

Here we gooooo......


This is my favorite way to describe myself.


Because it implies that I'm always learning, open and never done acquiring knowledge or working on my perception of life, business, people and the world around me.

This label, to me, implies humility.

If more of the "This political group" or "That policital group" or "this religious group" or "That religious group" could adopt the identity of "Student" maybe...

Just maybe...

We could all learn something, get along a little better and have a bit more love and tolerance for each other.

And this, Friend, to me is The Ultimate Identity.  

Profitible because new knowledge can lead us to more profits than we might ever have realized... Both monetary, and otherwise.

The other great thing about adopting the identity of 'student' is that it puts you on equal ground with whomever you're communicating with.

I've noticed that people like to do business with those who they percieve are....

  • Like them in some way

  • And not projecting 'superiority'

So even if you're a millionaire, letting people know you're really just a student, helps them to see that you're in this with them, like them, and that maybe, they can do it too.

Ok, that's it my fine feathered fellow student! :-)

Hope you've enjoyed the message and thanks so much for reading and for staying subscribed to my email list.

Hope you crush (in a good way) today!


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PS: Our Trinity Transformation Challenge is ROCKING and we are learning so much from each other. So much education and inspiration is being shared in our group.

Check out this one transformation story my friend Rob shared.

Isn't that incredible Friend?

And guess what, Rob isn't done.

He and I challenged each other to develop the habit of daily journal writing.

This is just one of the many small improvements that have come to my life, so far, from this challenge. Today will be day 4 of daily journal writing, and I'm very excited to get this new discipline nailed down.

If you're open to some positive change Friend, this challenge may be just what the universe ordered to help make that happen for you.