I was so proud of my son for having this realization on his own, and furthermore, for donating his entire day along with his hard earned cash to think of his family and show his love in the form of gift giving.
On the way home, bag full of gifts in hand, he told me,
"I didn't even buy one thing for myself.
This was the first time in a long time I can remember ever not buying something for myself when I went shopping" he said.
Kashton's insight, his heart and the time I was able to spend with him, was worth SO much more than money or even the gifts that we'll all get from him this year for Christmas.
This is because his insight will carry him through many future experiences and decisions.
And I guess that's the point Friend, the BEST gifts, the ultimate gifts, seem to come from somewhere deep inside.
The knowledge, the philosophy, the belief, the heart.
Never underestimate the value of these things and these are the things we all have the chance to give those around us via the words we use and the examples we set.
And that leads me to the REAL Ultimate Christmas Gift of this email. (The gift that's been giving for thousands of years, and keeps on giving)
Today's very special Christmas edition of The Grow Rich Mastermind 🎁
If you decide to listen, here's what you'll recieve...
The secret to becoming someone that others are interested in learning from and following.
A learning about one of the most powerful communication principles there is for truly impacting people.
HINT #1: I mention the word toward the beginning and it starts with an E.
Hint #2: it's in the story of my friend who was a monk in India for a time) It's a bit essoteric, but I use this ALL the time. If you grasp this idea, it can help all of your content in profound ways.
The most simple explanation of "Target Marketing" in the history of the world and rock solid proof that you already know how to do this.
(once you realize this, all you have to do is begin to transfer what you're already doing, and have probably been doing all your life, into your business & marketing activities to make it so much easier than you may have realized.)
A warm heart, just in time for the holiday season.
Some beautiful Christmas tunes sure to fill your holiday cup with cheer. :-)
A profound feeling of love, goodwill, faith and hope to guide you profitibly in your interactions today, on through the holiday and then off into the new year.
Oh, and I can't forget, an actual message from Santa, who made a surprise visit to us in the mastermind section. (I kid you not Friend.)
Anyway, I DO think this replay is worth listening to and I hope it's recieved as a special gift to you from me, and the Grow Rich Family this holiday season.
You can also listen in by dialing 712-432-0990 Access: 565762#
Merry Christmas Friend.
I love you and appreciate you and am so thankful that we're still connected and I get the chance to send you emails from time to time, an an effort to deliver value to you and hopefully, inspire you and empower you on your road to FREEEEEEEEEEEDOM!
All the best,
Paul Hutchings