Subject: The Ultimate Challenge (it's not $1,000 days)

Hey Friend,

This morning on our Grow Rich Mastermind I shared a little story about a guy who asked me about $1,000 days online.

Last night, my wife and I, along with our 2 youngest sons went to a "7 Brides For 7 Brothers" play. (GREAT play & story btw... there's a movie you can watch if you haven't seen this story yet)

I was walking to my seat and was stepping in front of a few people who were sitting in the same row when a guy stops me and starts a conversation.

It seemed like he knew me but I didn't remember ever meeting him.

I asked him if we'd met before and he said "No" but he knew who I was.

During our convo he asked me what I was up to these days and I told him...

"I have an online marketing business I run from my home."

He then said "Oh, one of those $1,000 dollar a day things?"

I said, "well, that's not really our style but yeah sort of. We sell digital products on the internet, so I guess it's similar to those $1,000 a day things."

I returned to my seat and thought about the interaction.

What was it about his question that I didn't resonate with?

And that brings me to the point of this email and the idea of The Ultimate Challenge.

Sure, you can tell people they can earn a thousand bucks a day if they'll just pull out their credit card and buy your product.

That's easy and there are plenty of people online who do that.

Problem is, actually delivering on a promise like that requires a LOT more than just collecting someones credit card.

It requires getting them inspired and committed to engage in The Ultimate Challenge.

Choosing to live the best life, you can possibly live.

Every day, consistantly, over time.

This is the challenge that can help someone actually earn $1,000 days but more than that, gives them returns that are far greater than money both before, and after they've achieved whatever financial result they wanted.

This is the challenge that can give them results today, and tomorrow and even results that seem to get better and better over time.

I recently read a quote in a book my friend Nick sent me.

"Some people are so poor that all they have is money."

-Bob Marley

As my friend Kristian said, that quote hits hard.

I don't wanna ever be known as "The Thousand Dollar A Day Guy."

Instead, I'd prefer to be known as the guy who showed up every day... consistantly over time, for himself and others, to shine as much light as humanly possible.

This, requires much more than a simple sales transaction.

It requires a better message, a different message... one that comes from the heart of a person striving and practicing what's being preached.

Furthermore, this journey is "Until death do us part."

You're never done.

You're not done when you reach freedom.

You're not done when someone you help reaches freedom.

You're not done when you're tired.

You're not done when you're frustrated.

You're not done when you're challenged.

You're not done win you win.

You're not done, you're not done, there's more to do, there's more to do.

And that's why This is The REAL Ultimate Challenge.

So much more worthy than a cheap promise of thousand dollar days online IMO.

And that's what our Trinity Transformation Challenge is about.

One more step up the stairwell.

It's a powerful step.

A transformational step.

An exciting step.

A life enhancing step.

But as excited as I am about it, I realize, it's just a step.

(There will be more steps)

That's life.

If you're up for taking this next step with me, and with us, this is the video I want to encourage you to watch ASAP as the official start date is just 4 days away.

I'm super encouraged by the decisions and commitments I've seen in the last 24 hours since we released the page and video.

I got this email from Evan Scoresby yesterday...

This excites me because I can tell, that he is going to change his life as a result of watching our new video.

And then there's Ashley who we showed in the video lost 30 lbs and developed some life changing new habits during our last challenge.

She posted this yesterday...

She's already tracking her food intake and we haven't even started the challenge yet!

And then we have Scott Brown who watched the video and posted this...

He's already claiming first prize in our challenge which proves that watching our video, sparked something inside him and lit a fire!

We've got Rita Joye who did her first plank EVER!!!

There are more stories beginning to unfold!

And again, the thing that excites me the most is that these are the action steps that will produce results in people's lives!

And because all disciplines affect each other, I'm guessing we'll see incomes increase right along with all these new health decisions.

All that to say that I'd love to invite you to participate in our challenge Friend.

You never know what could be waiting for you on the other side of this free video.

All the best,
