Subject: The Truth About You Friend...

Hey Friend,

I just finished editing up a pretty emotional video. Listening to it, made me tear up more than once.

As I was exporting the video, I read a post from one of my best friends who just lost his grandmother.

In the middle of writing about the incredible, lasting impact this amazing woman had on him, and so many others...

He mentioned that he'd been thinking a lot about how he might be able to create a similar lasting impact, on the the lives of others, using his life as an investment, like his grandmother had invested hers, into him.

His answer came down to 2 points.

  1.  Love God

  2.  Love people

That's what his grandmother had done.

And I think, if you read behind the lines of Josh's words, in this video, you'll see that's what we try to do in our community too.

The beautiful 'freeing' effects, he felt, as a result of interacting with our community...

That caused him to say things like...

"For the first time, I didn't feel guilty about making a sale..."


"For the first time I didn't feel guilty about just living my life.."

Were a result of our attempts to love him, unconditionally.

And this leads me to the beautiful truth about you Friend...

The truth that you are enough. 

The truth that you're worthy of love, and acceptance, period.

The truth that you are in charge of your own life and no one ever has the right to guilt or shame you into feeling like you're not good enough or less than someone else - just because you're not doing what THEY think you should be doing.

When Josh said he felt like,

"I belong"

"I can make something of myself"

"I'm valued"

These too, are simply manifestations of our attempts to love him.

And we do.

It doesn't matter whether you're in my company, or not...

or in whatever club the cool kids are in, or not....

You matter Friend,

You are valuable Friend,

You are divine spark of the infinite Friend...

And the voice inside you is the ONLY one that ever has the right to guide your life to help you know your best path forward.

Hope this message finds your heart today, in the right way.


Paul Hutchings

PS - This email, and Josh's video, seem to be what's really lying at the heart of this business, community and movement we're building.

The truth is, I wake up every day, and just try to do what I think God wants me to do.

All I have to guide me, is the whisper that I sometimes feel, urging me forward and inspiring my actions.

I feel like people should be free.

I feel like people should be loved and valued and never guilted or shamed.

I feel like people should be lifted, and served and encouraged and loved.

I feel like prosperity and freedom, expand love, and give it more opportunities for service and expression.

That's what we're striving for, here inside The HBA.

If you resonate with those intentions, I'd love to invite you to join, and help us build.  

And whether you do, or not - I'm still gonna think you're awesome either way. ;-)