Subject: The Tolerance Paradox

Hey Friend,

As a long time student of the Laws Of Success, one of the things I've noticed over the years, is that sometimes, you have situations arise that don't quite fit in the nice little box you've built for yourself.

Case in point.

Law of success #15 is Tolerance.

My definition. Tolerance says, I may disagree with you but love you anwyay.

To feel accepted for who you are. To feel loved despite whatever percieved imperfections you may have, to feel like you belong, and are a part of something great, to feel like you're important and that you matter...

This is one of the most magical feelings you can have, in my opinion.

And it's Tolerance that helps to create this space within groups of people, it seems.

This morning on our Grow Rich Mastermind, one of my friends, Tim, gave a name to something I've noticed in relation to this magical quality of tolerance, that I think was so wise, and so profound...

He called it, the Tolerance Paradox.

And if you're not aware of this Friend, and building community with your email list, customers, or whatever business community you're serving in...

It can come back to bite you. 

And the worst part about it is, the dog that bites will tell you he/she is using your teeth to do it.

In other words, your value of Tolerance, can be used against you.

If you're curious to learn what the heck I'm talking about, I highly recommend listening to the replay of this mastermind, before it disapears tomorrow.

You can also catch it by dialing 712-432-0990 Access 565762#

Thanks for reading and whatever you do, always go for your dreams,



PS - Guess what Friend? Last month our community of heart-centered freedom crusaders was able to donate 7,948 meals to Feed My Starving Children, bringing our grand total up to 216,569.    

Pretty cool that in addition to paying out over 3.4 million dollars in commissions to affiliates, we've been able to do so much good in the world together.

Friend, If you're sick and tired of some of what you've seen or experienced in the home business profession, like we are - and are ready to be the change with us, and set a better example for the world to follow, you just might be a fit for what we are creating here.

And even though our affiliate program does pay out 80% commissions, what we're doing together, to me, is about so much more than a commission payout number.

Click here and watch this video to learn more, if this sounds like it's up your alley, and if you like what you see and feel - I'd love to also invite you to go ahead and fill out this form to get started right away.

I'll be there to help you on the other side.