Subject: The Thrill Of Poverty...

Hey Friend,

Even though today was a CRAZY busy day, I didn't want to miss out on sending you something valuable.

This is a little clip from our Grow Rich Mastermind called "The Thrill Of Poverty" that I thought you might enjoy.

Also, I wish I ihad time to write more, but for now, this fast update on our promotion will have to do.

If you look at the email I sent yesterday, you'll notice the massive growth we've had in the last 24 hours.

And this screenshot was from earlier today. As of the writing of this email it's already increased a BUNCH from this screenshot. (I'll probably get you a more current update in one of my next emails).

Anyway, this is the video to watch if you wanna see what's creating this Tsunami of Prosperity for me and so many others.

Talk soon!
