Subject: The TRUTH About MSI's...

Holy Frijoles Friend, It's been a while since I wrote a blog post.

It felt great to sit down today, and spend an hour writing this post, to settle once and for all, the age old debate about how many streams of income a person should have.

You can read it here and don't worry Friend, even though it took me an hour to write, you can read it in a few quick minutes.

Have an awesome weekend Friend,


PS - Funny enough, I don't even know what the heck a 'Frijole' is... I just think it's fun to say. Try it out for yourself and say it out loud with me Friend... 'HOLY FRIJOLES' Doesn't that just make you smile? :-)

PPS - We're still growing pretty steadily and I snapped a screenshot for you just in case you're still thinking about getting started with us and haven't done so yet.

Make sure image viewing is enabled to see...

This is the video to watch if you didn't get all the way through it yet, or even if you want to watch it again. If you like what you see and are ready to get things fired up, just click the green button below the video.

Shoot me an email after you join and I'll hook you up with some goodies to help you get started in the best way.