Subject: The Snowman Epiphany

Friend, I have a friend who did something new every day for a year and made a video about it.

I first became aware of him when he joined a company I was in, and quickly created HUGE results in a short amount of time.

We became friends and even were mastermind partners for a while.

I was wondering if there was any correlation between the influence he created with his daily videos (which had nothing to do with business btw) and the success he created in business.

Last week I asked him if he had a video sharing more about his experience and to my delight, he reminded me that he had given a TedX talk all about it.

In today's live, I want to share this video with you in the hopes that it can help you see new and exciting ways to move your business and life forward.

And yes, if you decide to watch, you too can pick up The Snowman Epiphany.. ;-)

All the best,

Paul Hutchings

PS: Always remember that YOU are so much more than whatever products, service or business you're offering to the market place.  

I think one of the things that sometimes keeps people stuck is the failure to realize this.

They think that all they have of value to offer people, is a link to buy their products or join their business.

Truly great marketing is when you rise above this mode of business building and step into the realization that you can be a blessing and a light to others - even if they NEVER buy anything from you.

And when you are a blessing and a light to others BEFORE they learn about your business, the odds of them buying or joining seem to go through the roof which makes it so you can earn the income you desire too! (almost as a side effect).

Anyway, for more on this - I'd love to encourage you to watch today's episode.